This is Me Letting You Go by Heidi Priebe

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"Who you are doesn't cease to exist because there's nobody there to admire it."

"Be the person who has a good day, even if nobody wishes it to them."

"So stop looking for The One to spend the rest of your life with. Be The One. And let everybody else come searching for you."

"Because here's what we don't want to admit about love: it is a crutch that we use all the time. The idea that someday somebody will love all our flaws is a subtle excuse not to work on them. The principle of two halves making a whole restrains us from becoming our own better half. We want someone to swoop in during our darkest hour and save us, but what if we knew they never would? We'd have to start doing everything differently." 

"If there's one thing we all need to stop doing, it's waiting around for someone else to show up and change our lives."

"You can't have it all. But you should be able to have what matters."

"At the end of the day, love is wonderful but it isn't enough to make up for an entire lifetime of compromising your core values."

"When you're tired, go slowly. Go quietly. Go timidly. But do not stop. You are tired for all the right reasons. You are tired because you're supposed to be. You're tired because you're making a change. You are exhausted for all the right reasons and it's only an indication to go on. You are tired because you're growing. And someday that growth will give way to the exact rejuvenation that you need."

"Anger doesn't realize that the past is over and the damage has been done. It tells you that vengeance will fix things. It's on the pursuit of justice."

"Forgiveness means accepting responsibility – not for causing the destruction, but for cleaning it up."

"The failures that are hardest to recover from are the ones that we walked into willingly and selfishly, thinking they'd lead us somewhere better."

"Some catastrophes are not there to teach you a lesson, but to stop you in your tracks."

"But therein lies the choice – you get to decide, after every failure, every defeat, every life-altering mistake – what kind of person you are."

"You're not pathetic for mourning while you grow."

"Be the person you wish you were dating. If you're sick of the game then stop playing it. If you're tired of the bullshit, then cut it."

"I want people who call when they say they will and show up when they plan to."

"Because love doesn't need to last forever in order to make a lasting impression."

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