My Brother's Keeper by Alanea Alder

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"Why would I stop simply because I know it annoys you?" - Kendrick

Knowledge gained with no effort is like handing a child a loaded weapon." - Kendrick

If you're going to kiss me, kiss me, and be sure you do a damn fine job of it." - Anne

I noticed a long time ago that those who value normalcy to the point of making someone else feel like shit for being different were assholes. - Meryn

when boisterous people got quiet, it was never for a good reason. - Anne's thoughts

Without cutting off the head of the snake, history is doomed to repeat itself. - Kendrick

"Tomorrow. Worry about it tomorrow." - Anne

a man fights harder when he has something to protect and a woman even more so. Women are more fierce, more ruthless." - Rowan

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