Love for Imperfect Things by Haemin Sunim

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Rather than choosing a life in which you do nothing for fear of making a mistake, choose a life that improves through failure and pain. And shout out loud to yourself, "I love you so much."

The true winner is the one who is happy with his life.

Don't let your difficult past
define who you are today.
If you do, you will live your whole life as a victim of the past.

Though it comes from a good place,
doing what you think someone needs
can be the seed of wanting to control them, to make them a certain way to please yourself.

If you really did all you could, leave it be.
If they need more, they'll be able to find a way to finish the job themselves.

A happy mind-set needs practice.

When you do not try to possess someone and just enjoy their company, the connection endures.

It's all right to start reading a book
from the section you most want to read.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
It will reveal itself not suddenly but gradually.

When you have had a negative experience, be wary of thoughts that make it seem worse than it is.

Healing begins when
we start to attend to ourselves.

Even if our circumstances change for the better, if our habit of mind hasn't changed, we will wind up finding new things to be unhappy about.

THE HARDEST THING IN THE WORLD is putting what you know into practice, and making sure your actions do not contradict your words. 

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