chapter 15

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" Did I see right? was that really Allen? how could that anglic face make that devilish expression and still looks so cute?" Lavi says. They were still standing at their places.

Everyone shakes their head and attacks Allen who easily dodges them. Allen activated multiple innocense and counter attacks. He pulls out his left hand into a sword and used it against noah, his clock protected him against their attacks. He launched missiles from his knee at several Crow members and they collapsed. 

His clock emerged and throw needles at exorcist and they fell on floor unconscious. He brought out little knives from his toes and ankles to kick some Crow members with it to make them unconscious. Several knives shoots out from his stomach to collapse remaining Crows.  

His braid cut through 3rds only to kill their Alma genes and make them normal as they once were. His left hand cuts through every single noah including Earl to kill their noah memories. Once Earl's noah died smoke comes and to two bodies puffs out, one was Mana's and other was Neah's. Allen transfer 14th in Neah's body them kill noah's memories with his left hand sword, then only Neah remains.

Suddenly office's snaps opens and Teideoll comes in " I've found the heart here, umm what's going on?" Teiodoll was confused, and why won't he be, floor was covered with alive bodies of noahs, exorcists and Crow members.

Kanda, Cross, Linalee, Lavi and Komui were standing beside the wall and higher up members and Lavirrior were in a deep corner, so deep that looks like that they were planning to join bricks and become one with the wall. 

"Heart, huh?" Allen looks at Teideoll and takes it from him. He then returns innocense of all the exorcits and raw or every innocense fragment in entire including of Hevlaska's storage and his own to the heart. That make cube whole again, then he absorbs the cube because without innocese he can't be alive. 

As everything was done, unconscious figures wakes up. 

"What are you saying? yeah, you guys wanted to get rid of me and you joined forces with your enemies, huh?" Allen glares down at noahs. "Now you all would be my slaves for your whole life, cause  you don't  have your powers anymore, not that it was useful against me before." Allen smirks and a dark, very dark aura surrounds him.

Over his declaration of  noahs fate, they froze on their spot and were regretting their decision and were concerned, no, worried, feared for their future. 

"What the hell was that? a holy war that existed for seven thousand years and ended in such a pathetic way? what the bloody hell? Lavi shouts.

"Seriously, I feel like I am insulted deeply. I have lived half of my life in training and preparing for last battle and now that all goes in vain." Cross lights his cigarette. " How can the Millennium Earl can, who seek to revenge from God, can die in just 20 seconds?" Cross was frustrated and angry at Earl. "Seriously how can he die just like that? I mean, he is Millennium Earl how can he just....."

"Now, now Cross we all understand your feelings but we should look at the good side now when holy war is over, we are all free. " Komui comforts Cross. 

"The hell 'we are free'. there is no glorious end war or feeling of satisfaction of victory. It happened all so fast and ended in just some moments. Why did I trained so hard? only to stand aside and look?" Kanda growels. 

"Kanda, I know how you feel but it's good that nobody died and everything ended with peace." Linalee tries to calm Kanda down.

"I get it Linalady but even so it just feels like such a waste. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I just don't feel  right. Seriously how can a great thing end like someone pulled out all air from a great canon and then we got know it wasn't  canon but balloon of a canon. " Lavi folds his hands in front of his chest.

Suddenly Allen brings out of their discussion. " You don't have anything to do now, right? everyone who doesn't have a family or doesn't have anything to do or can work along with ex-noah can come with me, you can work with me." Allen suggests.

Kanda, Cross, Linalee, Lavi, Komui, Jhony, Krory, Miranda, Mari, Timothi, Tiedoll, Reever, Bak, For and many other members of Order went with Allen. Allen had many business and he got them work from where they wanted. They all started to live in noah's mansion with ex-noahs. The Black Order got shut. Noahs were angry for sometime then they mixed up with additional members and started to feel warm and now were happy. They all were happy in mansion and lived happily ever after under Allen Walker's rule.


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