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My father was a monster, who I had tried to escape from so many times. He had hurt innocents and tortured mutants, he had became a murder. Even going as far as using me as an experiment. Before I had finally escaped, I had tried to help others. Now years later I am finally able to have my revenge, I'm going to do whatever it takes.

I'm sitting in a small cafe on the edge of he countryside. When I came in I had noticed that there were only a couple of men sitting around a rather large table. The bartender laughing with them, I had only sat down and ordered a beer before the door signaled someone else had walked in.

I causally kept my eyes on the men behind me through the mirror, catching a glimpse of them watching me with dirty eyes. When I looked to the side, I had caught what looks to be a Jewish mark, the tattoos that labeled them. I wanted to throw up, not seeing many after escaping the man that calls himself my father. I stood up and grabbed my jacket of the seat, I put down a few dollars.

"I'm sorry."

I don't know if he heard me or not, he made no signal that he had. I had looked at the men and then walked out the door. I had almost gotten down the long narrow street when the known figure had thrown me against the wall. I smile as he keeps me at arms length.

"If you're going to follow me, then maybe you shouldn't stay so close."

His glare keeps me still as I lean just a bit closer.

"So why are you following me, I know it isn't because you like me."

He smirks at me, I slowly move my hands up his chest. I grab onto his wrist and pull his arm off me.

"Now instead of trying to intimidate me, why don't we talk about Shaw."

He goes to grab at me again, I keep him in place as I slowly look back over him.

"Now why don't we talk about the devil himself."

"Why do you want to know about him."

"Well I know that we're both looking for him, why don't we join forces and find him."

"How can I trust you."

"You can't, but we both know that we need each other. I know where he's going to be in a few days."

He looks at me for a few moments before standing back. I fix my jacket and smile at him, I hold out my hand.




It has been a few days since we decided to work together. The lights illuminating the boat as the dark surrounds it. Now we're both in wetsuits, getting ready to swim over to the boat. I nod at him as I dive into the water, him following shortly. I climb onto the boat, he moves in front of me.

"Stay here, I'm going to do this."

"We do this together, that was what we agreed too."

He looked at me before rolling his eyes, we stealthily move closer to the man and his small entourage. We both move into the light.

"Herr doktor."

Shaw looks over at us, he smiles at me then looks over at the man.

"Little Erik lensherr and Experiment 895x."

He smirks at me as I lightly growl, I go to move closer but Erik grabs my arm to stop me. The woman looks between us, I can keep her from mine but not Erik.

"They're here to kill you."

"What kind of a greeting is that...After all these years?"

While he's watching us, I slide my knife from behind my back. Erik does the same, we throw them but the bitch catches them. Erik moves to attack them but she throws him over board.

"Emma. We don't harm our own kind."

I go to move forward, suddenly lights and a loud noise fills the air.

"Ah! Now it's a party."

I frown as I jump over board, I land close to Erik as I start to shield us from being detected.

"This is the US coast guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are."

I look at Erik as we're trying to stay afloat.

"Erik I can keep us hidden but only for some time. This may be our last chance for a while, we need to kill him now."

He lifts his hand and the massive metal anchor came out of the water. I raise my hand slightly to start to crush the boat. After the boat started to sink, I felt a sense of relief. It washed itself away as I seen the lights leading away from us.

"Damn it."

I quickly grab onto Eriks hand as we both connect ourselves to the boat. I know our shield had came off of us but right now it didn't matter. I thought I had heard someone yelling but I didn't care. The submarine taking us underwater, I had stopped moving as we started to try to pull back up.

We were so close, all we had to do was hold a little longer. I could feel my lungs burning for air as the submarine inches closer to us.

"You can't. You'll drown. You have to let go."

I don't know what that was, I know it wasn't Alex. She's still focused on bringing the sub up to the surface.

"I know what this means to you, but you're going to die. Please, Erik, calm your mind."

He breaks my concentration as he drags me up towards the surface. After I finally feel the air, I push him off of me.

"Get off me! Get off!"

"Calm down! Just breathe."

He yells for someone else, I'm trying to calm myself.

"We're here!"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Charles Xavier."

"You were in my head. How did you do that?"

"You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you. Just calm yourself."

I look around for her, I start to panic as I don't see her floating around us.

"Where is she."

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