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It was pretty dark outside, we were back in the lounge that the agents had put us in. Darwin and Alex were playing with one of the machines. The others were on the couch while I was looking at the books. I had zoned out much of the noise, until I heard Angel speak up.

"Do either of you find it weird that both of your names is Alex."

I look at the blonde the back at her. I smile as I take a seat at the table.

"Not really, my real name is ˈalɛksandr, I'm originally from Germany but with so many English men I decided to go by Alex. It was easier, than hearing my name be mispronounced every time someone tried to say it."

They nod their heads, the boys go back to playing as the others conversation starts back up.

"Whoa! - All right, all right. Jesus, man, you are killing me."

"Don't beat yourself up. I've had a lot of spare time."

Two agents had came by the window and started speaking to us.

"Oh, I didn't know the circus was in town. Hey, come on, honey. Give us a little..."

He signals to her wings, I had gotten up and walked over to the couch.

"No? Come on, let's see the foot."

Hank went to stand up but I put my hand on his shoulder.

"There it is. Come on, big foot, let's go."

I had walked over to the window and closed the curtain. I had turned around and seen angels sadden face, I move to sit on the table in front of her.

"They're just guys being stupid."

"Guys being stupid, I can handle. Okay? I've handled that my whole life. But I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off
than the way these ones stare at me."

"At us."

I smile at Raven for a moment then I look at Angel.

"Now look, I may not swing your way but I gladly stare at you."

I wink at her, a couple of loud noises had came from outside the window.

"What was that?"

I look at everyone, gesturing them to stay still.

"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right."

I had moved back over and opened the curtain. Everyone surrounds me, Raven points up at the sky. Two silhouettes was high in the air, I only knew one mutant who could teleport. Azazel.

We had watched the person scream as they hit the ground. Raven had screamed, I pulled her closer to me. All the lights had came on as multiple agents fell to their deaths.

"Guys we need to go, if he's here then so is Shaw."

About 10 agents come out carrying guns, the closest one knocks on the window.

"Get back! Do not leave that room. We're under attack!"

Azazel appears and everyone starts freaking out.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

I push everyone back as the bullets start flying. The window shattered as Azazel starts to kill then with his sword. A large tornado has swept over and destroyed cerebro. I look at Darwin and signal to the door.

"Stay here, my ass! Let's go!"

We run through the door and into the hall. Multiple men are guarding the entrance.

"Get back!"

"We can help! We can help!"

We get back into the room, gunshots are going off repeatedly.

"Wait! You want the mutants? They're right through that door. Just let us normal people go. We're no threat..."

A quickly noise goes off as the hall and then Shaw steps in. Azazel and Riptide steps towards the windows, I look over all of them.

"Where is the telepath?"

"Not here."

"Too bad. Well, at least I can take this silly thing off, unless Alex wants to read my mind."

"I don't have to read your mind to know you want to cause destruction and chaos. You been doing it for years."

He smiles at me as he steps forward. Raven had grabbed my arm to pull me back.

"Good evening. My name is Sebastian Shaw. And I am not here to hurt you."


An agent was standing at the window pointing the gun at them.


He disappeared just to reappear behind the agent, he cut through him with the sword then appeared in front of us.

"My friends, there is a revolution coming. When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then, by definition, you are against us. So, you can stay
and fight for the people who hate and fear you, or you can join me and live like kings. and queens."

He had kept his eyes on me the entire time, he had looked at Angel. I knew she would choose him, she craved power. She moved forward and grabbed his hand.

"Angel. Are you kidding me?"

"Come on. We don't belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of."

They step out the window as Darwin looks us.

"We have to do something."

Him and Alex start to argue before he yells at Shaw.

"Stop. I'm coming with you."

"Good choice. So, tell me about your mutation."

I had slowly made my way closer to them, I knew that if something goes wrong I could take the blast.

"Well, I adapt to survive. So, I guess I'm coming with you."

"I like that."

He had moved closer to Angel as he yelled at Alex.

"Alex! Get out! Do it!"

He had thrown a few of his solar rings at the group. They all missed Shaw but one, he smiles at he looked at Darwin.

"Protecting your fellow mutants? That's a noble gesture. Feels good."

Darwin goes to hit him but gets caught, Shaw grabs his face and I see the orb appearing.

"Adapt to this."

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