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We slowly raised our hands as I could feel the weight of the submarine. The water adding pressure as I focused. The submarine started coming out of the water as I smiled, I knew we could do it.

We pulled it out of the water as we moved closer to the beach, I didn't hear anymore signals from either ships as we moved away.

The hatch had opened and Riptide had stepped out, he smirked as he started to spin. The water had turned into a small tornado and I looked at Erik.

"You need to get back up, it's going to do some damage."

"Come on."

I signal for Charles to get him, I look back at the sub as I move it closer. The water knocking us back, I force Erik into the jet as the Submarine hits the island.

"Hang on."

I grab onto the wheel as we start getting thrown around, before we could crash I jumped off and hit the sand. I groaned as I felt the hit, after a couple seconds someone helped me up. I smiled as I seen Charles and Raven.


"Are you alright."

I nodded my head as I looked around, Erik was looking at me. I walked over to him as we watched the group.

"We're going in."

I see Angel with Azazel and Riptide, we started moving as Charles yelled out for us.

"Erik, Alex I can guide you through once you're in, but I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me, then we just hope to God it's not too late for us to stop him."

"Got it."

"Good luck!"

Beast and havoc start to take out Azazel and Riptide. I follow after Erik as we move closer to the Submarine.

"Erik, we do this together."


We use a piece of the subs metal to keep riptide down, we get inside as Charles speaks to us through our link.

"Guys, make for the middle of the vessel. That's the point my mind can't penetrate. We have to assume that that's where Shaw is."

We move forward, I try to get through with my mind but nothing works. We come up into your the controls and I pull down the lever.

"I disabled the reactor, now we need to find him."

We keep moving as we get to a spacious room, it's mostly white an empty. He isn't here, why isn't he here.

"You're there, You've reached the void."

"He's not here, Charles. Shaw's not here! He's left the sub!"

"What? He's got to be there. He has to be! There's nowhere else he can be. Keep looking."

"And I'm telling you he's not. There's no one here, God damn it!"

I look at Erik as the wall slowly opens, Shaw is standing there and I can't help but want to kill him as quickly as possible.

"Erik. Alex. What a pleasant surprise."

We both watch him, slowly moving closer to him.


We step inside the glass room and the doors shut, I don't know if two Nuclear reactors is a small space. Charles is gone from my mind and I can only guess that it's the same for Erik.

"So good to see you again.  May I ask you something? Why are you on their side?"

He looks at me and smiles, he holds out his arms.

"Why don't you come give your dad a hug."

I go to lunge at him but Erik stops me, I grab him arm as I growl at Shaw.

"Why fight for a doomed race who will hunt us down as soon as they realize their reign is coming to an end?"

Erik hits him but it doesn't do anything, he looks at us with a guilt expression. We both know that he feels nothing close to it, all he wants is power doesn't give a damn about who he hurts.

"I'm sorry for what happened in the camps. I truly am, to both of you."

He strikes Erik and he gets thrown back, I look at Shaw. He grabs me by the throat and does the same, I heard the glass cracking.

"It's starting to work."

"But everything I did, I did for both you. To unlock your power, to make you embrace it."

He throws Erik again, I stand up and look at him. He smiles as he glances between us.

"It's working! I'm starting to see him, but I can't yet touch his mind."

"Do either of you find it funny how your back to each other."

I look at him and he's smirking at me, he knows something.

"What, you think I didn't know about your little rebellious phase. How you set my prisoners loose, how you let poor Erik get away."

I go to hit him but he attacks me, he throws me into Erik as I groan. I look at Erik and make sure he's alright.

"You've come a long way from bending gates and murdering guards. I'm so proud of both of you."

Erik and I jump up as we use the metal to make a barrier between us, breaking the glass.

"You're just starting to scratch the surface."

I try to use my powers to keep him from us but he walks right through it.

"Think how much further we could go together"


He uses the large beam to secure Erik to the wall. He looks at me and slowly comes closer, he slaps me as the nuclear power causes me to hit the wall.

"I don't want to hurt you. I never did. I want to help you. This is our time. Our age.  We are the future of the human race. You two and me, kids."

Erik glances at me as I slowly move forward, I try to be as quiet as possible.

"This world could be ours."

"Everything you did made me stronger. It made me the weapon I am today. It's the truth. I've known it all along. You are my creator."

I jump up as I smile at them.

"Now, Charles!"

He freezes Shaw as soon as I get the helmet off of his head. I move closer to Erik as I pull the beam off of him, I hug him as I make sure he's alright.

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