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I step beside them as I see Erik and Charles smiling, I hand them gun back to Charles. I look at Erik for a moment.

"I knew he was going to be training you but I didn't think you would want to be shot at."

"I can deflect them."

"Maybe but I wouldn't chance it, your reactions are kinda slow."

He looks at me as I laugh, I could feel Charles' eyes on us. I slowly turned to face him, and he seems like he wants to leave.

"Don't worry Charles I'm not mad, I'm just confused because it was Erik and I that were trying to raise a submarine and now he wants to dodge bullets."

"I can't. Something that big?  I need the situation, the anger... "

Charles hands the gun to Erik as he puts his hands in his pocket.

"No, the anger is not enough."

"It's gotten the job done all this time."

"It's nearly gotten you killed all this time."

He glances at me as I do the same, he gestures for me to come closer to them near the rail.

"Come here. Let's try something a little more challenging."


For the next week everyone had been training as hard as they could, I had kept close to Erik as we trained our magnetic powers and I was with Charles when training my mind. Hank had wanted Sean to use his vocals to see if he could fly so here we were, everyone surrounding him by the window. I was between Raven and Darwin while Erik was behind me. Sean had a suit similar to a wing glider.

"Now, remember. Scream as hard as you can.  You need the sound waves to be supersonic.
Catch them at the right angle and they should carry you."

"They should carry me. That's reassuring."

"Good luck. And don't forget to scream."

He smiles as he leaned forward, we watched as he screamed but it didn't carry him. He hit the bushes below us, I cringed as I backed away from the window.


Erik and I were walking around the house, I had seen Raven lifting weights. Erik followed me as I walked in, I lifted the weights as she jumped.



"If you're using half your concentration to look normal, then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing. Just pointing out something that could save your life."

I drop the weights as she catches them, her dark blue skin and red hair appear. I smile at her as I step closer.

"You want society to accept you, but you can't even accept yourself. You are beautiful the way you are and you need to realize that you don't have to change."

I grab Eriks hand and lead us back up to our rooms, I sit down on the bed as I smile.

"She'll realize one day that it doesn't matter what people think."

He nods his head as I grab a few paper clips, I use my powers to throw them at him. He catches them and looks at me, I stand up as he throws them back at me.

"Is this another one of our games."


I lay across the bottom of the bed, and look up at the ceiling.

"We sit here, we make out and then we act like their isn't something between us."

I look up at him and frown, I know he doesn't mean it to feel like that but I can't lead him on if he doesn't know who I am.

"Neither of us know who the other person is, you are the closest person I have to any sort of family and I won't jeopardize that over you not knowing the truth."

"What truth."

"When everyone is done with our training than I will tell everyone the truth, whether you trust me after or not is the problem."

I stand up and kiss his forehead, I smile as I walk out of the room. I know I left him confused and hurt but I know that I shouldn't do anything if he doesn't know who I really am.


We were standing at the top of the large satellite a few miles from the estate. You could still see it from here and I smiled. Eric and I were standing on one side while Charles and Hank we on the other.

"And you truly believe I'll fly this time?"


Sean glanced at him as I smiled.

"I trust you."

"I'm touched."

"I don't trust him."

"Say nothing."

I smile as I look at Erik, Sean grasp onto the rails as we all look down.

"I'm gonna die!"

"Look, we're not going to make you do anything you don't feel..."

"Here, let me help."

Erik pushes him off and I try not to laugh as Charles looked down frighten. He starts flying as Charles looks at the culprit.


He starts flying around us and I clap, we're laughing but Charles looks back at us.

"What? You know you were thinking the same. I know I was, if Erik hadn't of done it then I would have."

They laugh as we watch him fly around.


Charles and I were talking with Erik, just like the first time except he's not aiming a gun to Erik's head.

"Try turning it to face us."

He holds up his hands and I know he's struggling, I could see his veins and how hard he was truly trying. He let go and leaned over the rail.

"You know, I believe that true focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity.  Would you mind if I..."

I sat there as he entered his mind, not even I had went that far. They opened their eyes as the were both had tears in their eyes.

"What did you just do to me?"

"I accessed the brightest corner of your memory system.  It's a very beautiful memory, Erik. Thank you."

"I didn't know I still had that."

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