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We were all sitting in a confined room. Don't get me wrong, we had everything we could ever want like drinks, arcade games and even a large library. A few of us were drinking while the others were just laughing, I was sitting between Darwin and Angel.

"We should think of code names. We're government agents now. We should have secret code names. I want to be called Mystique."

We all turn to Raven as she smiles, I like the name.

"Damn! I wanted to be called Mystique."

Raven laughs a little before smirking at him.

"Well, tough. I called it."

She turns herself into Sean, the others shriek with surprise. I high-five her as she laughs. The boys start laughing as I do the same.

"I'm way more mysterious than you."

Everyone claps for her, she changes back as I lean onto the back of the couch. I turn my head and tap of Darwin's shoulder.

"Darwin, what about you?"

"Well, uh, Darwin's already a nickname, and, you know, sort of fits. Adapt to survive and all. Check this out."

He gets up and walks over to the fish tank. As he sticks his head into the water, gills grow onto the side of his head. We start cheering for him as he comes back up.



"Thank you. Thank you."

He does a little bow before coming back to sit down beside me.

"That's incredible."

We all look back at Sean and smile, Darwin's the one to ask the question.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to be... Banshee."

"What do you want to be named after a wailing spirit?"

"You might want to cover your ears."

We cover our ears as he does a quick whistle like sound which breaks the window. We start laughing, this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"How'd I miss that? Your turn."

Angel stands up and I smile, I had seen her wings earlier today.

"My, uh, stage name is Angel."

Sean whistles, I throw one of my empty water bottles at him.

"Kind of fits."

She turns and reveals her wings, I start whistling. The same empty bottle comes in contact with my arm.

"You can fly?"

"Uh-huh. And, um..."

She spits a fire ball from her mouth which hits the statues outside.

"I'm turned on and disgusted."

She glances at Hank, Raven does the same.

"What's your name?"

Hank is too embarrassed to answer, he looks down slightly.

"How about Bigfoot?"

The others laugh as I make one of the metal coins hit him in the head. He was rubbing his forehead and looked over at me. I leaned back and just winked at him.

"Well, you know what they say about guys with big feet. And, uh, yours are kind of small."

"Okay, now."

Sean falls back into the chair as he's trying to catch his breathe. Alex looks at me and signals for me to go.

"Oh no, I'm not doing the whole superhero name. I'm not a hero and I'm not going to become one now."

I stand up and walk over to the counter, I start pouring myself a drink as the conversation continues. I lean against the counter watching them.

"Alex, what is your gift? What can you do?"

"Uh, it's not, um... Um, I just can't do it. I can't do it in here."

"Can you do it out there?"

"Why don't you just do it out there?"

"Come on."

"Come on!"

Everyone is yelling for him to do it, I smile at how childish they seem. No matter if I had a childhood or not, I'm glad they were able to have a good time. I smirked as I found myself in his head.

"Come on Alex, give them a little show."

"I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Come on, I'll be there in case anything happens."

"Like that's reassuring."

I quietly laugh as he agrees to showing them his gift.

"That's the spirit."

"Get down when I tell you."

After a couple seconds of them messing with him, he gives up with trying to get them somewhere safe.

"Get back. Get back! Whatever."

I can't see him but after a few moments I see large red beams hit a few spots in the yard. I hear the group cheering as I move closer to the broken window.

"You guys have a good night, I'm going to go have a rest. Maybe catch up on a good book."

I smile as they groan at my mention of sleep and books. I walk past the group, and to my room.


I had just gotten out of the shower when someone had opened the door. I smiled as I seen Erik.

"You know you're supposed to knock, I could have been indecent."

He rolls his eyes as he walks closer to me. I watch him as he steps right in front of me.

"Did you know about the kids playing "break down the building."

I shake my head as I signal towards the bathroom.

"I've been in there for an hour trying to think of a way to contact you."

"You could have just jumped into our thoughts."

"One, I can't go that far. Two, We're literally in the CIA."

He nods his head in agreement, he steps past me and moves over to the bed. He lays down and I laughed at him, I make sure the towel is securely around me as I step back into the bathroom.

"How did the last of the recruiting go."

"It was fine, Charles believes that the children will be of some help."

"What do you think."

I had gotten dressed and started to brush my hair.

"I think their going to get us killed, they shouldn't even be here."

I set down the brush as I move to the bed. I sit beside him, I grab his hand and smile.

"They may be children but they're strong, let them live a little."

I touch his cheek and smiled as I moved in beside him. I lay down on his chest as he looks at me.

"Are you ever actually going to sleep in your own room."


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