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Before he could hurt Darwin, I had grabbed one of Azazels swords and thrown it at him. It had hit him in the shoulder, I used Darwin's belt to push him back to the group.

"The only thing you will ever get is bullet in your head. You'll die by my hand, it's more than what you deserve."

Riptide and Azazel stood in front of him, I quickly used a metal panel to knock riptide unconscious. Azazel moved in front of me with his swords ready.

"Who knew we would be on opposed sides, after all you were the one to comfort me after he abused and experimented on me."

I sarcastically laugh as I rush forward, I had quickly flipped around and kicked him back. I went to kill the man that had put so much shit into my head, the man who has tortured thousands of innocent people just for his own personal gain.

"Your death will be my greatest accomplishment."

I had driven the knife down but it didn't mean him. I had felt the sharp pain in my chest, everything had went quiet as I noticed the tip of the blade. I had fallen back, his tail had wrapped around me. I smiled up at him, I was fine with dying.

"Azazel, I don't blame you. In fact, I had believed my death would have been by your hands."

I look over to see that my father was up, smirking down at me.

"Shaw was always to scared to kill me."

After a few moments, Azazel had let me go. He pulled the swords from me as they all stood together. My father looked at me and winked.

"Maybe you should tell your friends who you really are, at least if you ever want them to trust you."

They disappeared shortly after, the group had ran over to me. Darwin had moved my head into his lap. Everyone is freaking out, if I don't say anything now then I'll probably die.

" need to do something for me."

I grab his hand and let him read my thoughts, his eyes widen as he starts to reject the idea.

"Alex listen to me, if you don't do this then Shaw will get away with everything. You need to do it, please."

After a few seconds he nods his head. He helps me up as everyone steps back. He starts to make the rings, a few of the group are confused while the others are shouting at him to stop. One of his rings hit me, I quickly absorbed it, the energy causing my body to heal itself. I smiled at them, they were worried now.

"Thank you."

They move closer to me as I fall into someone's arms. My breathing has become more steady but my vision is slightly blurred. I look at the group and slightly smile.

"I'll explain this, I promise."

My eyes had shut completely and it went dark.


Erik POV
We had quickly gotten back to the building, it was completely destroyed. Charles and I had jumped out as he ran over to his sister. I scanned the group and seen her curled up on Darwin's lap. Something must have happen, I moved over to her and frown. I started to move my hand across her cheek, look at the man.

"What happened."

"She saved me, she's been asleep since the attack."

I moved to pull her into my lap, she pulled herself closer to me.

"Erik I think there's something you and Charles should know."

Before he could finish what he was saying, Charles had spoke up.

"We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately."

"We're not going home."


"He's not going back to prison. He almost killed Darwin, Alex got hurt saving us."

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over."

"Charles, we need to finish this."

I hadn't realized she had woken up, she sat up slightly and looked up at him.

"Charles you know I'm right, if we don't do this than everyone is in danger."

She went to stand up, me following behind to make sure she doesn't fall. He looks at her then at me for a moment.

"Erik, a word, please."


Reader POV
They had moved from the group, I had looked at everyone. I know they want an explanation but I can't give them one yet. Charles and Erik turn to us once again.

"We'll have to train. All of us."

"Yes? Yeah."

"Well, we can't stay here.  Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe.We've got nowhere to go."

I see the glint in Charles' eye as he slightly smiles at us.

"Yes, we do."

Not long after we had gotten into the car, I had fell asleep. I remember leaning my head against Raven's shoulder and closing my eyes.


I had woken up in a bedroom that I didn't recognize, my breathing started to pick up as I jumped out of bed. I had looked around and found a small bathroom, this just reminds me of being tortured. I had gripped on the sink and was leaning over.


I didn't care who hear it, I just needed someone to get me out of here. I had my eyes shut as I was trying to keep my breathing straight.

"Alex, where are you."

I couldn't make out who it was but right now that didn't matter.

"In the bathroom."

I heard rushed footsteps as someone grabbed my shoulders.

"What's wrong."

"I need you to get me outside, please."

My vision was getting worse they led me through long halls. I felt the air hit my face, I quickly went into the grass. I fell over and threw up, my nerves had increased since becoming part of this group. I slowly move away from that area and laid down, finally able to breathe.

"Alex what happen, your thoughts were screaming at everyone."

"I'm sorry, it happens when I'm in an unfamiliar area."

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