{} Chapter 1 {}

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Y/N exited through the gates of Mondstadt as they held onto their empty basket. Then they took a step onto the stone bridge. As the pianist walked to the Whispering Woods, they remembered something a few weeks ago.

"Sometimes I'd like to think that... someone's musical notes seem to disappear as time passes by... but a person will soon find it for yo-- them—and make the musical notes more beautiful together! You know?" Barbara breathed as she put a hand on her chest, glancing down at the stone ground, looking flushed.

"Huh? I don't get it. What does it mean?" Questioned Y/N, as they stood there in front of Barbara. They were in the middle of the stone bridge, close to Mondstadt.

"It means... something! Yeah! Sorry, did I speak out loud again? I-I was just making up a story in my head!" Barbara nervously smiled, scratching behind her head as her legs shook a little.

     "Okay...?" Y/N sighed and gazed at the bright blue river. They had a calm expression on their face.

"Let's collect apples for Miss Blanche! I'm sure she'll enjoy it, now c'mon!" Barbara beamed as she took their hand and dragged them into the forest.

"Woah—Hey! This is so sudden!" Sputtered Y/N as they tried to let go of her.

Barbara giggled, "I know but let's have some fun and collect apples for her like we used to when we were younger, Y/N!"

Y/N smiled and let out a happy sigh, "Okay!"

Someone little bumped into her angrily, "Watch it! My pigeons might fly away as soon as I get there because of you!" shouted the kid with messy, short brownish hair and teal bright eyes.

"Geez, sorry little guy. Maybe they're dead by now." Y/N rolled their eyes and kept on walking.

It took them a few minutes to find the spot that had the most apples, but as soon as they got there, they were happy that there were so many ripe and bright red apples up in the trees.

Y/N quickly hurried to get the apples, but they soon heard a rustle in the bushes and a small grunting sound.

"Who's there?" The pianist asked, but no one replied. They dropped the basket and took out their dull sword. Gulped as they walk toward the bushes. Y/N heard a gasp and a rustle as they got close, then they look behind the tree that was beside the bush and saw the same hat that the bard was wearing. He was resting, tired, his eyes were closed, gentle skin all scratched up, Cecilia petals all over his head, and breathing at a slow pace. Laying his back against the tree. He was also holding freshly picked Cecilias and one rotten apple on his lap.

Y/N admired the sleeping person as they got closer to his face, leaning into him with a blank stare. Making the sword disappear.


"Ah—" the bard yawned, "good morning to someone I don't know...!" his left eye opened and gazed at Y/N. He stretched his arms and legs, then rested his hands beside him on the grass. The pianist flinched and quickly sat up straight beside him, but not too close to him.

"Well, you found me! Ehehe. Allow me to give you this fresh, ripe apple I just picked!" He chirped, grabbing the rotten apple that was on his lap and held it out to Y/N, who was sitting beside him.

Y/N grabbed it and sighed, "it's rotten."

"Oh! Uh- Hehe, my bad... That's the only apple I have left, sorry about that." the green fellow apologized.

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