{} Chapter 10 {}

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Y/N gripped the hardwood fencing, leaning towards it. Unaware of what to do with the blue seelie that rested on their shoulder. Should they go around and ask Liyue's citizens if he's theirs? What if he was some rabid animal that Venti just picked up? Y/N stood amidst the refreshing scenery as they viewed the crystal ocean, letting their mind drift to a flood of questions.

"It's like your brain is lagging, pianist," Venti blurted, scooting closer to them. "Mind if it quickens the pace? I'm eager to know what we're doing with our little friend."

"Still thinking..." they clicked their tongue. An invisible light bulb popped on the top of their head. "Are you sure Jeffery has an owner?"

"Yeah?" he glanced at Y/N. "I told you days ago, didn't I?"

"I do remember now that you said it. But, you can understand animals?" questioned Y/N, their eyes shifted to his.

He straightened his posture, "The wind's whisper can tell me anything, from the people far away or nearby. I can't understand Jeffery, but I can understand the wind. It told me, "Please, my Jiffy seelie, come home!" Of course, I knew at that moment when I heard the voice the owner had been looking for him."

"Jiffy? That was his name the whole time?! I'd rather call him Jiffy than Jeffery."

"He prefers Jeffery—and he loves that name!" whined the bard as he puffed his cheeks.

Y/N rolled their eyes, "It sounds like a nerd's name."


"It's true."

Venti jerked, backing away from the fence. The wind tickled his neck as he grazed his braid away from his ear, listening silently. Engrossed in his mind, he said softly, "I can hear him. Jeffery's owner is here. Waiting for him to come home."

"That's impressive. You're like the anemo archon," said Y/N.

His mouth was agape when he heard that. Venti paused to take in what they said. He swayed as he blinked, "—Well, I'm not the anemo archon whatsoever... I don't—I don't know what you're talking about! Ehehe..."

Their eyes studied his impulsive behaviour, "Okay."

"SO— about the owner, we should look around. The wind sounded louder here than in Mondstadt," he suggested, then he shook his head as he muttered under his breath. "I forgot, unlike me, Y/N can't hear the whispers."

"Sure. I'm getting a head start! You said to quicken the pace, then I will!" raced Y/N, who had no idea where to go.

"I meant your brain! Wait up!!" the bard hurried to them.

It was around 11 minutes after Y/N realized that they were lost. They didn't recognize this place, so they asked people nearby if Jeffery was their lost pet. No luck. People hadn't heard about this mysterious seelie, nor didn't know who owned him. The duo searched all over the harbour and still found nothing. It crushed Y/N's heart that Jeffery might not come home.

By the stairway, near the Adventurers Guild, the bard glanced at the older man with a black friar tuck and mustache, who watched his friend talk to the citizens. He mouthed a "hello" to him before following Y/N. A smirk came on his lips, and he giggled to himself. It shocked Venti that Y/N was as blind as a bat.

Y/N went back to where they first brought up Jeffery's missing owner. Their lips pressed tight as their eyes wandered around. They were leaning against the railing as they did so. The bard stifled a laugh while Y/N had a stunned look on their face.

Venti wrinkled his brow as he rested his hands on his hips, "You alright?"

"Yeah, I don't know who else to ask. I asked everybody here, and nobody seems to know Jiffy," replied Y/N, biting their nail.

"Are you sure? I'm confident that you haven't asked everybody yet. I think there's this person you forgot about!" he let out a soft chuckle, striding over to the pianist and leaning his shoulder towards theirs.

Y/N squinted, faking a smile, "Like who?"

"You'll see. I guess you didn't notice him standing there because you were too busy running around," said Venti. "Come! I'll lead you to him."

"Could've told me about him sooner..." the pianist murmured, rolling their eyes. "Then I wouldn't have to jump from person to person."

Venti gave Y/N a mischievous grin before running off. He skipped as he went to the older man, whistling and turning back at times to check if Y/N was still following him. The pianist gave him a slight wave every time he spun. As they roamed, Y/N had an opportunity to admire Liyue's harbour.

They paused, dropping their shoulders and basking in the warmth of the sunlight shining on them. Trees bustled, and their scarlet leaves wafted into the sunset. They were listening to the people's voices that filled the air. The harbour was busy; it was much bigger than Mondstadt, with many shops and oceans surrounding it. Its buildings had this red and green theme, with built-in fancy designs representing their culture.

Y/N's friend interrupted the silence, "I know, it's more elegant than Mondstadt. But who cares? Mondstat's our home. The city also has its qualities; Rich wine, fresh blossoms, and a library! I know you like those things. It would be a shame if you'd choose Liyue as your favourite than Mondstadt."

Y/N held a hand over their mouth to cover a smile, "Mondstadt's elite. I'd choose Mondstadt every day."

"That's the spirit!" he chirped. Venti stopped, realizing the two were at the place they were supposed to be. His brilliant teal eyes pointed at the older man twice for Y/N. A quiet tone came out of his lips. "That's him! He looks rather cranky, though."

The pianist swallowed hard, tugging on their garment and holding out a hand, "Hi." The blacked hair elder didn't shake it; instead, he glared at them. Their face burned like fire, and they slowly set their hand to their side. Venti burst out laughing but quickly hid behind the house, peeking. Their head dropped and shook it, then poked up with discomfort. "Um...so-"

"Ugh. What do you want?" growled the elder. "I don't have all day."

Y/N flinched, choking on their spit. The bard raised a brow and went over to the two, grasping Y/N's arm, "That's my friend you're talking to!"

The elder scoffed, "And you're talking to Gentry De'an, you seelie crooks! Hand me back my Jiffy! Typical young people these days, robbing from innocent elderly..."

"We-" Venti got cut off.

Y/N snapped, "WE didn't steal him. Maybe if you start looking after YOUR seelie, he would be safe with you. BUT NOO... We took care of him, which was supposed to be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and not OURS—"

Gentry De'an's voice quivered, sniffing and wiping his nose, "Hic...Hic..."

"...Uhh?" Y/N stepped back. "I apologize. I didn't mean to-"

Jeffery flew over to his owner and cuddled Gentry's cheek. Gentry's frown rose to a grin. He stroked Jiffy's head, and a hum escaped his lips. "I missed you, Jiffy...Gent is here..."


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