Part 1

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I simply cannot stay away from SYW. I know, everything's already been done, but...


Lindsey was up earlier than usual. He woke up way before his alarm went off, not that anyone was really keeping a tight schedule. He simply liked to start early, so he had a bit more free time in the evenings, which he could spend with Mick and John. The three men of Fleetwood Mac had been sharing a house for half a year already and things were going surprisingly well. Lindsey loved his kids, but there were too many distractions at home, when he had to work. Whoever had suggested living together while recording the band's newest album, that Lindsey couldn't remember, but he was glad they did. 

With the house still deathly quiet, Lindsey sat in the kitchen by himself, sipping his morning coffee, after a quick shower and a shave. He wanted to look good today. Well, presentable. He soaked up the peaceful moment, knowing that the house was soon going to fill up with people.

No more than half an hour, forty minutes at best, passed, when Lindsey heard footsteps behind him. John walked in, tipping his head and raising a hand in greeting. Lindsey said, good morning, and returned to his newspaper. He wasn't much of a reader of those things, but he needed to occupy his mind somehow.

Mick came down shortly as well. Knowing, what a big talker he was, Lindsey realized that his quiet moment was about to end. Leaving the newspaper, he got up from his seat to pour himself another cup of coffee.

"So, are we excited about today?" Mick grinned, gulping down a glass of orange juice. 

"We'll see." John replied, a barely noticeable smirk on his face and a glance at Lindsey.

"We're not recording Rumours." Lindsey's response came out a little snappy.

"Ah, but we don't know that yet, do we." John said calmly, stealing Lindsey's newspaper, who kept quiet. 

Deciding that he didn't want to be a part of this, Lindsey left the other two to go to the room, which was their recording space. He sat down in front of the mixing table and rested his elbows on the edge, head in his hands, he sighed. 

Things between Lindsey and Stevie were good, well, as good as they could be. They'd come a long way and over the last several years they'd grown to even like each other. It sounded strange to say that about the person you'd known since your teenage years, but that was the simple truth. The time period before The Dance tour kicked off was absolutely wonderful, until it all came crashing down once again. Lindsey was absolutely certain that he had done it that time, however, Stevie, much like Lindsey himself, had become a lot more patient, sensible and calmer, compared to how they used to be twenty years before that. Their circumstances didn't exactly allow them to stop speaking to each other either. And with time, the walls Stevie had built up around her had started crumbling down once more. Unfortunately, their relationship wasn't exactly, what Lindsey would have liked it to be still. They had to be a lot more careful, which prevented them from becoming much closer... friends if friends was the right word to describe, what Lindsey wished for them to be.

Lindsey wasn't sure, how long he'd been thinking about Stevie, when Mick and John joined him. They were engaged in a conversation, however, Lindsey didn't care much about what they were currently discussing. He pretended to be occupied until Mick's cheerful greeting caught his attention.

Turning around in his chair, Lindsey couldn't fight back a smile. Still, to this day, his heart skipped a beat, whenever Stevie came into the room. She looked as beautiful as ever, she looked surprisingly well rested in spite of having just finished up a tour. He heard her say that she hadn't had any sleep the night before and wrote four songs instead. He chuckled lightly to himself. He had to raise an eyebrow at the massive dream catcher she was holding. However, he'd learned long ago not to question her about these things. 

Lindsey sat, patiently waiting for his turn to be greeted by Stevie, but before she could get to him, Lindsey caught a glimpse of a mop of dark curls behind her and he felt a sting pierce through his heart. One blue eye and half of a cheeky grin peeked from behind Stevie, before the always energetic three, almost four, year old came rushing his way.

"Hi, Daddy!" Harry jumped into Lindsey's awaiting arms.

"Hey, buddy!" He hugged his son close, pressing a kiss to the boy's cheek. "I've missed you so much."

"Missed you." Harry smiled, unhooking his little arms from around Lindsey's neck, turning to look over his shoulder at his mother. "Mamma, it's Daddy!"

Stevie was cut off mid-sentence as she tore her eyes away from Mick and they settled on her two favorite men. She just didn't say that out loud to one of them all that often. With a slightly pained smile, Stevie approached the pair and Harry wiggled himself out of his father's grasp to stand beside his mother, arms circling her leg.

"Hi, Linds." She spoke up first, the smile on her face stayed, but it wasn't entirely sincere. She could deal with seeing Lindsey most of the time, however, it was incredibly hard to do so, when their son was in the same room with them. It just reminded her of what she - they - could have had.

"Hey." Lindsey, much like Stevie, swallowed his emotions and embraced her tightly, holding onto her for a second or two longer than necessary.

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