Part 29

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"Mamma?" The door to the bedroom opened and in came Harry, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

"She's not here, buddy. Is Daddy enough?" Lindsey crouched down and opened his arms to pick up his son.

"What you doing?" Harry asked, laying his head on his father's shoulder.

"I'm unpacking the last of my clothes." Lindsey replied, carrying Harry to the bed, he put the boy down. "Daddy's never leaving again." He grinned, ruffling Harry's curls. "Did you have a good nap?"

"Yes." Harry nodded and lay down next to Sulamith, curled up in the middle of the massive bed. 

A whole week had passed since Fleetwood Mac finished recording their album. A whole week had passed since Lindsey moved in with Stevie and their son. A lot had to get done, so there hadn't been too much time to unpack. Stevie was out at the hairdresser's, Harry was napping, so Lindsey used the time to sort his things out.

No more than half an hour later, the front door opened and closed again. Harry jumped off the bed and ran towards the staircase, Lindsey barely caught up. When the boy got excited, the stairs usually got in the way and he'd ended up in tears on more than one occasion.

"Hey, baby!" Stevie smiled brightly, lifting Harry up. "Hey you, too." She pursed her lips for a kiss as Lindsey leaned in. 

"I don't know, what you've got done, but it looks great." 

"Just a little touch up." Stevie shrugged, putting Harry down. 

"You know, you don't have to touch up anything, though, right?" Lindsey asked, slipping his arms around her waist.

"Agree to disagree." Stevie replied and gave him another quick kiss before pulling away, she turned to head to the kitchen. "Have you managed to get your clothes out of those damn suitcases?"

"Almost." Lindsey nodded. "Although, I'm sure you're going to rearrange everything and fold every single piece again."

"Of course, I will." Stevie said with a straight face. "But I don't mind. First of all, though, I'm starving."

"I could make us something." Lindsey offered and received a look. "I'm not as hopeless in the kitchen as I used to be, okay? What would you like?"

"Surprise me." Stevie shrugged on her way out. "I'm going to change my clothes."

Suddenly, Lindsey no longer felt as confident in his abilities. He opened the fridge, looked through for a minute before he closed it. Harry had joined, he climbed on one of the chairs and sat down with his coloring book.

"Hey, buddy? What would you like for dinner?" 

"I like pasta." The boy replied, same answer every time.

Harry liked pasta. Stevie? Not so much. But it was easy enough to make, not much could go wrong. Lindsey could just say that Harry had asked for it. 

A quick shower and a change of clothes later, Stevie walked out of the bathroom and she was pleasantly surprised by the smell coming from the kitchen. Maybe Lindsey wasn't completely hopeless.

A pair of arms wrapped from behind him and Lindsey smiled looking back, he turned his head more to lock lips with Stevie. "Haven't burned the house down yet."

"I must admit, the sauce smells wonderful." She said as she stood embracing him. "Dinner, cooked by Lindsey Buckingham, is a treat not many have enjoyed."

"Ha-ha." Lindsey rolled his eyes, adding an extra pinch of salt into the sauce. 

Feeling a tug at her top, Stevie looked down to find Harry, his little arms held up. "Come here, baby."

A spatula in one hand, Lindsey wrapped his free arm around the two of the most important people in his life, he pressed a kiss to Stevie's hair. 

"This is what home is meant to feel like." He said and unexpected tears welled up in Stevie's eyes. "What's the matter?"

"N-nothing." Stevie shook her head, smiling in spite of getting emotional. "This is what home is meant to feel like."




Thank you so much for reading ♥ BN as a family and SYW era are two of my favorite things, so I'm sure, I'll revisit this again in one way or the other

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