Part 19

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To celebrate the first half of Stevie's songs recorded, Mick suggested going out. It had been some time since the members of Fleetwood Mac went out for dinner some place public. Stevie was a little hesitant to agree, mainly because she didn't want to spend two hours getting ready. However, when Lindsey promised to make an effort and wear something besides his V-neck, she agreed. He didn't need to know that, but seeing Lindsey in a nice blazer awoke something within her every time. 

Heads turned their way was nothing new. They'd gotten used to it over the years, except for John. In spite of being a part of one of the world's biggest bands, he still hardly felt like a rockstar, the unnecessary attention wasn't something he craved. 

The evening was going well so far. The four put the recording of the album aside and reminisced about the old days. Funny road stories back and forth, made Stevie realize how much she had actually missed the men of Fleetwood Mac. It was a different feeling, when they weren't forced to be together because they were on tour or doing an interview, a photoshoot.

All the attention from Lindsey was also giving Stevie a huge boost of confidence. He didn't go five minutes without complimenting her appearance, taking her hand under the table, leaning in to whisper something inappropriate. He seemed relaxed and genuinely enjoying himself, it made her happy seeing him like this. While intense and controlling Lindsey had his advantages, she'd always preferred him this way instead, it reminded of who he, they used to be. 

However, the calm and relaxed Lindsey was gone, when he saw a pair of hands settling on Stevie's shoulders. He gritted his teeth, when she turned around and her eyes sparkled as she stared up at none other than Robert Plant himself. 

"Oh my God!" Stevie exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "It's so good to see you, it's been ages!"

"Likewise." Robert held her close, a wide grin on his face. "You do not change." He pulled back, now holding her at arm's length. "As gorgeous as the first time I laid my eyes on you all those years ago."

"Oh, stop." Stevie waved it off, but he did make her blush.

Moving away from her, Robert shook hands with the others, taking no more than a minute to say, hello, before his focus returned to Stevie. "Are you celebrating something?"

"Sort of, but really it's just dinner." She shrugged. "What are you doing in town?"

"Oh, you know, this and that." Robert replied, his beautiful British accent holding Stevie's attention on him only. "I'll be here a while longer. I would love to take you out, to catch up."

"Absolutely." She nodded eagerly, stepping back into his open arms.

"I won't keep you." Robert said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I'll see you soon then." He winked and walked away back to his table.

The mood had definitely changed, but Stevie didn't pick up on it right away. Only when she reached for Lindsey's hand and he pulled it away, she faced him, eyebrow raised.


"What?" He replied sharply.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." He shrugged, folding his arms over his chest.

Fighting her initial feeling to start and argument, Stevie took a deep breath and searched for his hand under the table again. Reluctantly, he laced their fingers together. 

"Why don't we go out for some fresh air?" Stevie asked. 

With a heavy exhale, Lindsey pushed his chair back and rose to his feet, allowing Stevie to lead their way outside. She didn't care about onlookers. They were doing incredibly well lately and she wanted to diffuse the situation right away.

"Talk to me." 

Shifting his gaze, Lindsey hesitated to open his mouth. He let her take his hand, when she stepped closer to him. "I'm jealous."

Fighting back a smile, Stevie did her best to keep a straight face. "Because a friend came up to say, hello?"

"He's not a friend, Stevie, he's Robert Plant." Lindsey sighed, locking their eyes. "He's-"

"He's a friend." She repeated. "But he's not you."

Lindsey's eyebrows creased slightly. "What do you mean?"

"We have a good thing going, Linds." She shrugged. "You mean a lot to me and we've fought so hard to get to where we are today. I would never do anything to jeopardize it. I get to have you, you know. I don't want to lose you. I'm not about to jump into bed with the first man I see, because even though it's completely fucked up, since you're married and all, I know it would hurt you. I don't want to do that. I'm way past casual hookups. I mean, I might get interest if you and I have a massive fight and swear not to see each other ever again, but-"

"Come here." Lindsey pulled her into his arms. "I love you." He whispered only for her to hear. "I want to kiss you so bad."

"Well, that might not be very wise." Stevie drew back slightly, but not far enough.

She honestly didn't think he was going to do it, but he did. He kissed her out in public, without a care of who might see. Seeing the confusion across her face, Lindsey gave a shrug of his shoulders. 

"I told you, Steph. I'm yours for the taking." 

Stevie swallowed uneasily, unsure of what to say. He kept bringing it up, but she just assumed he was only saying those things to make her feel better. Maybe she was ought to start believing him, maybe this time, he truly meant it.

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