Part 9

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With his eyes still closed, Lindsey allowed himself another minute or two to enjoy having Stevie next to him. He could never be sure, for all he knew, last night might have been a one time thing. However, he wasn't nearly as sneaky as he thought he was. Stevie knew he was awake, though, she didn't say anything for a while either. 

"Are we just going to be silent?" Stevie gave in rather quickly.

"Good morning to you, too." Lindsey pressed a kiss to the back of her head and tightened his hold on her. "I'm not used to you being up before me."

"Well, having Harry has changed the majority of my habits. He makes sure to come into my room, when the toys in his are no longer enough to entertain him." Stevie said, her fingernails brushing over his arm slowly, lightly scratching his skin. "I've been awake for some time actually. I've already brushed my teeth and had a cup of coffee."

Lindsey smirked and leaned in closer. "And came back to my bed?"

Realizing that she'd been caught, Stevie stilled for a second. "Well... This spot right here seemed too tempting not to return to. Besides, there's nothing better to do at this hour."

"So, watching me sleep was the best option?"

"I didn't watch you sleep. I was just... here." Stevie shrugged, then added. "I can leave if you like?"

"No, no." Lindsey disagreed. "No, I'm glad you decided to come back."

"Don't get used to it."

"Oh? I shouldn't be expecting any visitors tonight?" 

"You're just gonna have to wait and see." Stevie smiled and he knew, she did. 

"I'll be right back." Another kiss and Lindsey got out of the bed to go to the bathroom.

Left alone, Stevie rolled onto her back and sighed. They weren't supposed to be doing this again. It hadn't even been two weeks, since she arrived, and there she was in Lindsey's bed. It just felt good. Whenever she tried to figure out, why being with him did feel so right, she tended to overcomplicate things. Maybe she shouldn't be thinking about it so hard this time. It was wrong, she knew that, but if Lindsey saw no problem with the whole situation, maybe she shouldn't be trying to find one either. 

"So, did you have any more dreams?" Stevie teased Lindsey, when he re-entered the bedroom. 

Rolling his eyes, he crawled over to the headboard and lay down beside her. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"I feel left out." Stevie shrugged, staring up at Lindsey, who propped himself up on his elbow. "I'd like to know, what we were doing."

"What makes you so sure, you were in my dream?" The grin on her face worried him. "What?"

"You still talk in your sleep, Linds." Stevie turned on her front, her hair fell around her face, framing it beautifully, and Lindsey couldn't look away from her chest, barely shielded by her nightgown.

With a heavy sigh, he gave in. "All I'm gonna tell you is that around the time you woke me up, you were no longer wearing that." Much like in his dream, Lindsey hooked a finger around the strap and lowered it down her shoulder.

Drawing her bottom lip in between her teeth, Stevie thought carefully about her response. "I still do that to you, huh?"

"Always have, always will." Lindsey shrugged, bringing her hand up to his lips. 

Catching him off guard, Stevie tugged at his hand, causing Lindsey to slide down closer to her, their faces only inches apart. "Don't you think, reality is much better than your silly dream?"

"I-" Lindsey was left a bit speechless. 

"Cat got your tongue?" Her eyebrow slightly raised, she patiently awaited his response. 

His breathing heavy, Lindsey stared into her eyes, trying to find the answer in them, whether she was just playing with him or was she serious. 

"Well..." Stevie was about to pull away, when Lindsey didn't say anything, but she wasn't given the chance to do so.

Letting go of her hand, Lindsey's tangled in her hair and he drew her in for a kiss. He was quite worked up as it was, there was no time for any games. Her façade vanished, when she melted right into his awaiting arms. In one swift motion, he had flipped them over and was the one on top. There were no words to describe just how badly he'd missed her, so he put it all into the kiss, prying her lips open without any real effort. 

Unfortunately, Stevie decided to slow them down as her lips stilled and instead of the passionate making out that had just been going on for several minutes, she proceeded leaving small pecks on Lindsey's lips. 

"We need to get ready for the day, Lindsey." She almost felt bad, seeing the expression on his face. 

"I don't want to." Lindsey shook his head and lowered himself down again, nuzzling her neck. "With all things considered, we'll be done in about 7 minutes."

Lifting his head up from the curve of her neck, Stevie smiled, brushing her thumb over his stubble. "I don't want to be done in 7 minutes, Linds. As much as I enjoy teasing you, I've missed you just as much, believe me."

Lindsey hovered above her, looking down. They hadn't been together for a long time and if he was being honest, he wanted nothing short of a whole night with her. 

"You're driving me crazy."

Running a single finger down the middle of his chest, Stevie grinned. "I know."

"Come back here tonight?" He half asked, half pleaded. 

"I've told you, you're gonna have to wait and see if I do." Bringing him down for one more kiss, Stevie slipped out from under him and out of his room.

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