Part 17

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Unable to ignore Lindsey's stare any longer, Stevie sighed showing her annoyance and lifted her eyes up to look back at him.


"Oh, nothing." Lindsey shrugged. "I was just getting familiar with your song."

"Which one?" Stevie asked, sitting comfortably on the couch in front of him. It was getting late, but the pair didn't feel like going to bed yet, unlike their other two bandmates. 

"Everybody Finds Out." Lindsey smirked, reading over some of the lyrics again.

"Yeah, what about it?" Knowing exactly why it might have piqued his interest, Stevie played it cool, shifting her gaze back to her magazine. 

Clearing his throat, Lindsey chewed on his bottom lip, unable to fight back a grin. "Was it your intention to let the whole world know about us or..."

"Who says, it's about us?" She shrugged, turning a page.

"When was it written?" He questioned, leaning forward in his seat.

"Some time in the late 90's." Lindsey made a sound, which Stevie didn't quite understand the meaning of. "What?"

Getting up from his chair, Lindsey walked over to her and sat down beside her, holding out the printed lyrics. "Maybe you don't remember, what you'd written then. Here, take a look."

Snatching the sheet of paper from his hand, Stevie gave him a pointed a look. "Not every single song is about you or our relationship, don't flatter yourself."

Subtly rolling his eyes, Lindsey held up his hands in surrender. "Sure, fine. Whatever." He added with a shrug. "Anywhere we can, anytime we can - that's literally us post breakup, but okay." 

"I didn't say that some parts of it couldn't be about us." A smile tugged at her lips as she look away and Lindsey laughed, shaking his head.

"Steph, you know, what the fans are going to think."

"Does it bother you?" She tossed her magazine away, her attention on him.

"Not one bit." He replied without hesitation and stole a quick kiss.

"What was that for?" Stevie asked, so far they had kept their display of affection in the privacy of their rooms.

"Do I need a reason to kiss you?" Lindsey noticed the soft pink hue across her cheeks, then kissed her again, lingering a few seconds longer.

Fortunately, Kristen's unexpected visit didn't cause any problems between Stevie and Lindsey. Having had that talk made Stevie feel more secure with her place in Lindsey's life. He, of course, had to ask if she was truly okay about ten times more, when Kristen and the kids left though. After being reassured time and time again, he finally let it go.  

"How does kissing you still feel like the first kiss we'd shared to this day?" Stevie asked, her hands cupped his face, once their lips parted.

"Wasn't our first kiss really awkward?" Lindsey wrapped his fingers around her wrist. 

"Well... yeah." She chuckled lightly. "But it was special."

"Butterflies in your stomach and all that?" Lindsey grinned, kissing the palm of her hand.

"Absolutely." Stevie nodded, smiling at his tender gesture. "I would have done anything you had asked me after."

"Ah, damn. Stupid me, always a gentleman." Lindsey joked with a sigh.

"You really were though." She lifted her feet onto the couch and lay down, her head in his lap, his arm draped around her middle. 

"Well, I didn't want to push you away." Lindsey shrugged. "I didn't want you to think that that was all I wanted from you."

"Right, definitely didn't feel like you wanted to keep me in bed 24/7 after the first time we did it." Stevie gave him a look, to which he shrugged. 

"Hey, you were meant to take that as a compliment." Lindsey's hand sneaked in under her blouse to rest on her belly.

"I love you, too." She said, catching him off guard. 

"Do you realize, how long it's been since you told me that?" Lindsey asked, swallowing his emotions down. "I do want you, Stevie. I'm not just saying that."

"I think, we should go to bed. It's getting late." Being her usual self, she changed the subject, knowing what he was hinting at. 

"You can't run away from it forever." Lindsey told her. "I'm not going to change my mind."

"We'll see, what you're going to say after we're finished recording." Stevie pointed out that they still had a long way ahead of them. "Now, am I going to bed alone or-"

"Not a chance." Lindsey stood up after she did, turning the lights off on their way out and towards her room.

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