Part 28

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Stevie had been sitting with Mick and John at the kitchen table for a while now. The men had finished eating, but her plate was left untouched. She didn't exactly hear what they were talking about either, her mind was elsewhere. Her gaze shifted over to the clock on the wall for the nth time. 10:38 pm. Lindsey had been gone for over two hours. She sighed.

"Don't do that." Mick spoke up, once it was just the two of them left. Stevie barely registered, when John gave her shoulder a squeeze, saying, he was going to his room for the night.

"Huh? Do what?" Stevie looked at Mick as she fidgeted with her rings under the table.

"Lindsey didn't go to visit Kristen, he went to be with his sick child, Stevie."

"I'm not-" She began and cut herself off mid-sentence. "I can't help it."

"These things are going to happen." Mick said, reaching for her hand across the table. "The kids are gonna get sick, they're gonna have school events and birthday parties. And Lindsey's gonna be there for them, not for or with his ex wife."

"I'm just so used to things not going our way..." Stevie trailed off with a sigh, she rested her chin on her clenched fist. "I can't help being worried." She repeated herself.

"The man loves you." Mick gave her an encouraging smile. "I don't believe he would risk your relationship again for anything in the whole world, not this time." He added, shaking his head. "You have to put a bit of trust in this and you have to trust Lindsey."

"I know, he loves me. Just..."

"Come on, don't let those thoughts back into your head. They won't do any good. Two more weeks or so and you'll be outta here, you'll start your new life with the man you've loved your whole life. Shouldn't you be more excited than worried?" Mick gave her a questioning look and a small smile crossed her lips. 

"Of course, I am." Stevie nodded.

"Good, focus on that. Lindsey's out now, but he's coming back any minute and he's coming back to you." Mick gave her hand a squeeze and pulled back. "Will you be okay or would you like for me to keep you company?"

"No." Stevie waved it off. "No, I'm fine."

Once Mick had left, Stevie managed to eat the salad on her plate, leaving the cold chicken breast, she put it into the fridge. She poured herself a glass of wine and picked Sulamith off the floor, she made her way into the bedroom she shared with Lindsey. 

Stevie had only managed to fill one third of a page in her journal, before she heard Lindsey's car pull into the driveway. She might not know whether he drove a BMW or a Mercedes, but she knew the sound of his car. She felt relieved and she hoped it showed on her face, because she didn't want Lindsey to have to reassure her for the billionth time.

"Hey." Lindsey said, entering the room just a few minutes later. 

"Hi." Stevie smiled and put away her journal. "How's Leelee doing?"

He slumped down on his side of the bed and Stevie moved to hug him from behind. Him reaching for her hand was all the reassurance she needed.

"She's okay. She has a fever, but she's alright. Kristen didn't have any medicine, so I had to go to the pharmacy, she didn't want to take the kids with and go herself." Lindsey didn't have to explain, but he thought he needed to justify him spending time with his ex wife.

"I understand." Stevie nodded and moved back, allowing Lindsey to undress. "I don't understand, how you could not have medicine for any given situation, when you're raising small children, though."

Lindsey didn't feel like it was necessary to discuss that any further, so he kept his mouth shut. Instead he lay his head on her chest and draped his arm around her middle. Stevie smiled to herself as she began combing through his hair with her fingers. 

"You're tired." She said to which he nodded. 

"Yeah. I'm also very comfortable." He turned his head slightly to press his lips to her exposed chest. "Love you."

"I love you." Stevie echoed.

Minutes later, Lindsey's breathing had evened out. Stevie stayed up, thinking about what Mick had said earlier. He was right, she had to stop doubting the strength of their relationship. Lindsey loved and cared for his children, he went to see his sick daughter. And he came back.

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