Why can't I talk to him?

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Skeppy walked down the path to get to the barn. He didn't care about checking in with Margret since their conversation would be pretty boring anyways. It really didn't matter if he just skipped the check-in just this once, right? He jumped over the gate and walked through the fields of wheat. The tips tickling his fingers as he glided his hands along them. 

He smiled as he made it out and saw the grassy area where he first met Bad. The cows now more visible than that day. If Bad wasn't there, he feared that he might have been smooshed by one of them. They are a very dangerous animal, even more so than the shark. He opened and closed the gate to their meadow and walked through to the other side where he would escape to where the pigs were. 

They all shyer away except that one pig that he gave an apple to once. He patted his head and continued down to the chickens. They were peaceful in their coop, only sounding when Skeepy walked to close to them. He walked away with a smile as he went to the orchard. He looked up at the trees to see the freshly picked branches. He saw the tree that he had climbed up to escape Jane. He ran up to it and redid everything that he did the first time.

He sat on that tree branch that was thick enough to hold both his and Bad's weight. He looked to his side and for a second he could have sworn he saw Bad sitting next to him. He moved backwards and felt where air replaced the seating area. He quickly grabbed in front of him to stop him from falling backwards. Bad had saved him last time. Skeppy decided it was time to actually go and retrieve those books. He jumped from the tree easily and was on his way to the barn.

He walked down the path and he saw something approach him from the distance. He turned to the use and tried walking the other way but the thing was too fast. As it approached it trotted to a stop.

"What ye doin' out 'ere Skeppy?" Margret asked. Great the last person that he wanted to talk to. He turned to face her.

"I'm just here to get something that I left." Skeppy said.

Margret clicked her tongue, "well get on then." Skeptic was confused but got on the horse anyways. She took them to the barn and he hopped off her horse.

"Make sure you don't take too long in there." Skeppy nodded and headed inside the barn. The big doors creaked as he pushed on them, not an unfamiliar noise. He walked over to the place where he had last read with Bad. As he neared he saw the carvings on the wall of his face. They were still as beautiful as ever. So many things have happened and Skeppy had forgotten how short of a time it had been. He looked at the ground by the wall. The satchel laid there and he picked it up off the ground. When he opened up the bag he saw all the books that Bad had left in there.

Then, it was as if the sun turned off. The entire place went pitch black. He looked around and soon lost track of which way was forward and back. Then, a light appeared behind him. He turned around and his eyes adjusted to the light. He saw a person laying on the ground. He took a step and realized what he was seeing.

"OH MY GOD HE'S DEAD! NOOO!" Skeppy cried as he fell to his knees. Then Bad slowly arose, almost levitating with only his heels still touching the floor. Gangnam style started playing and Skeppy watched, jaw dropped to the floor as Bad preformed his amazing choreography. The sight of Bad swinging his hand above his head in a circle was mesmerizing. He really was a cowboy. After he was done he fell to the floor with the Minecraft "oof" and disappeared with a cloud of dust.

Skeppy was kicked out of his trance as he left the barn. He hopped back on Margret's horse and rode back home in silence. He couldn't think of anything other than the beauty of Bad when dancing.

It kept him up all night long.

737 words

Okay, this is a joke. I've had two and a half hours of sleep and its April fools so I made this. It's really just a recap of some of the events in the story. Nothing that happened in this chapter is canon. Well, I hope y'all have a good day, I've been up longer than I should have been. I need sleep.

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