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A/N: THE TIME HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes biatches I'm back!!! And there will be a sequel. I'm also probably going to re-publish or re-edit this so if you want to stay tuned for that please do. Now for the story

+5 years later+
Tris' P.O.V
I sigh and sit on our bed. Having three children was hard. Especially when your children were 5, 3 and 2 years old. Tobias sit down next to me and rubs my back soothingly.
"If you think now's bad, wait until they're teenagers." He says laughing. I elbow him in the arm jokingly. Tobias' kisses me on the forehead before turning our bedside lamp off, plunging the room into darkness. I love being a mother I truly do, but sometimes I want a break. I sigh again. I lay down and close my eyes, slowly drifting into the black abyss that is sleep.


All I see is darkness and then a voice.
"I will take from you what you took from me." And then silence.

A clap of thunder and a flash of lightning awoke me. As soon as my eyes opened I knew we were not safe. I shook the feeling off and went back to sleep, oblivious to the changes going on in the world around me.

A/N: Soooo what do you think?!?!!! The sequel is called: Their life after and will be published soon. I want to thank you all for sticking with this fanfic even though it is pretty rubbish. I can assure you that my writing has gotten so much better. So yeah. I love you all (in the friend kind of way {{even though I've never met you anyways.....}})
Bonus news if you want to follow my bookstagram its
I'm more active on there than _themazegames at the moment. Please comment what you thought of the Epilouge. I'm kinda sad this story is over but exited about the sequel. Bye for now guys

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