Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I'm skipping to the wedding.

Tris' dress;

Christina, Marlene and Shuana's dress; (Christina's is Black whilst Marlene and Shuana's are Grey)

Now on with the story

Chapter 8

Tris' p.o.v

Tomorrow is my wedding day. We are announcing the results right now

1.Bella - Abnegation

2.Jenny - Dauntless

3.Maria - Dauntless

4.Jason - Dauntless

5.Nathan - Erudite

6.Greg - Erudite

7.Jamie - Amity

8.Mara - Dauntless

9.Mick - Dauntless

10.Jack - Dauntless

Bella turned out to be divergent. We managed to hide it. Bella will be at the wedding but none of the other initiates will be.

I slowly walk back to the apartment. Tobias is staying a Zeke's along with Uriah and Will. I'm staying in our apartment with Christina, Marlene and Shauna. When I get to my apartment Chris is already setting up the stuff for tomorrow. I'm getting married in front of the Ferris wheel. My dress is hung up on the back of the door. I had to admit Chris really did help when dress shopping. As soon as Chris spots me she drags me over to my room.

"We have and early start tomorrow. And it's Ten now so go to bed. And no sneaking out to meet Four. Lynn's guarding." I quickly grab a pair of black shorts and a dark red t-shirt and pull them on before climbing into bed.

I wake to the sound of Chris' voice. She pulls me up and sits me down in a chair. She has a robe on but her black makeup is obvious. He hair is in a plaited bun. She looks amazing. Marlene and Shauna are already wearing their dresses, their silver makeup shimmering.

"Girls," Chris starts indicating towards my bridesmaids. "I need Shauna to go down to the boys and check that they are ready. Mar, you need to help me do Tris' hair.

An hour later, I have finished getting ready. My hair is down with a black rose clipped to the side. I have nude eyeshadow and light pink lipgloss on. Chris hands me my dress and then goes back to the kitchen. I pull the dress on, the top half shimmering in the light. I put my engagement ring on a chain then put that round my neck. I look in the mirror and I see a beautiful girl stood in front of me. I no longer see Beatrice Prior the Abnegation nor the Dauntless, Tris Prior, I see the Dauntless Tris Eaton.

A/N: The wedding will be a long chapter but I wanted to update because I haven't updated for ages.

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