A Bad Apple

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(Note: If you haven't listened to Bad Apple I suggest you do, you can listen to the English Cover by JubyPhonic. In no way this is and isn't related to the song; I just thought it was nice lmao)

After me and Ghostbur finished our food I had put on armor and told him I was heading out, I'd pack my sword and axe in case and left his house, I could hear him from behind shouting "Bye Y/N!" Just him saying my name made me feel happy, it was like I meant something to him even though I was just leaving the house.. He probably assumes I'm going to fight monsters.. But no, I'm heading straight for Tommy.

After an hour or so I make it to Tommy's house, I open the door walking in to see him cooking some steak "Tommy." He'd turn to me "WHAT?" He was still the same "I was wondering.." I'd take out my enchanted netherite sword, I had hope it including my fully enchanted netherite armor would scared him enough, I place my sword in my other hand as I took out my axe and pushed him against a wall "Tommy I want to ask you something" I used my Axe and placed it in front of him to make sure he wouldn't move or pull tricks on me "Are you going to bring back Wilbur?" Was I really going to do this? "Yes???" As soon as he answered I poked my sword to his neck "Don't." I couldn't stop what I just did, I've gone too far now "I need Ghostbur, you can't bring Wilbur back!" I started to yell as I forced the sword closer to him "What?" When he asked I froze in thought of Wilbur being back..

"Wilbur!" Everyone cheered and hugged him, I'd run at him kissing his cheek as he pushed me off "Wilby..?" I'd whisper out as he asked "Who are you?"... "Wilby it's me! Y/N!.. You didn't forget me did you?" I'm in a panic "Heh, what?" He'd pull out his axe and would point it to me "Please stop?" That's it... "Y/N!" Huh? "Y/N I'LL KILL YOU?" Who's voice is that?

I was on the floor as I looked up to see Tommy with my weapons and armor "I'LL KILL YOU!" This is where I realize where I went wrong "Tommy please, I was kidding! Please don't. I'm just worried I'll never get back Ghostbur.. You know?" Tommy stayed silent "You and Tubbo, I know you'd do the same if you were on the edge of losing him." That's when I hit him hard, He'd get up and would help me giving back my stuff.. "I'm just scared." He'd look at me and would respond "I get it, I don't want to lose Tubbo either." And that was it, we'd come to an agreement that we both don't want to lose who we love but I didn't get my answer about Wilbur and Ghostbur "I'll go now, sorry." I'd walk off and Tommy waved "BYE!"

As I was walking down the Prime path I decided to take notice to the scenery, everything was all wet from the rain.. I wondered about Wilbur, would it be better if he was brought back? But I'll lose Ghostbur forever won't I? This made me think, I hated it. But maybe I can re-kindle something between me and him if I tried hard enough? No.. It's not the same as when I met Ghostbur. I'd find a horse on a leash and would cut the leash taking the horse and I got on it and rode away, in the distance I can hear someone yelling "HEY!" but it got faint. I'd make my way back to Ghostbur's home as I got off the horse, letting it roam away, I'd walk into the house and would take off the armor and would set it down near the door along with my weapons, Ghostbur wasn't in sight.. "Ghostbur?" Where had he gone? I ran up stars almost slipping but I made it up and just in time to see Ghostbur cuddling Friend, asleep. I'd walk over and sat on the bed and proceeded to lay next to them both.. I'm glad he's safe, I don't think I could ever manage with Wilbur himself.

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