What did you do...

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Tommy recently left with Ghostbur to the prison to kill Dream.. I wonder how it went as I wasn't updated on it yet, I've just been home. The thoughts of Ghostbur actually doing something that takes this much courage is so cool, I remember the conversation like it was yesterday.. Though it was the day before yesterday.

'He'd stand with Tommy behind him but Tommy pushed forward.. "We're heading to the prison, to kill Dream." Ghostbur had a soft happy smile but his eyes seemed tried "And," I'd cross my arms "What's Ghostbur doing?" once I broke out my question Ghostbur had an even bigger smile but it seemed as if he was going to cry "He'll be 'visiting' Dream while I go invisible and follow in." Tommy had a smirk as if his plan would go smoothly "Okay.. But," I'd grab his scarf and would pull it closer to the point I could feel his breathing against my face "If ANYTHING happens to Ghostbur, you're dead." I'd stand in silence with him before letting go "Of course Y/n!"'

It almost feels like a blur and I can only firmly remember Ghostbur's smiles, I can't wait for him to return home... And there it was *Knock Knock*. Someone was knocking! Is it Ghostbur? I'd lunge myself forward as I open the door to see Tommy who was drenched in rain and seemed harmed, there was someone else behind him wearing brown and black and was also drenched, "Tommy? Where's Ghostbur?" Tommy stood in silence "WHERE'S GHOSTBUR." I'm getting defensive, but why? Tommy would step to the side to reveal a tall figure who looked like Ghostbur.. But wasn't. "Ghostbur..?" I'd step forward, the cold shift of wind was no longer there but he gave off a warm aura "Wilbur Soot, pleasure to meet you!" He'd grab my hand and would shake it.. I'm not use to this feel of warm human flesh, where's my cold shy Ghostbur? "You must be Y/n, Tommy was talking about you! I heard you and Ghostbur," He'd lean in to wink "Has something going!" I was disgusted by this man and I refused to let him "You... Absolute... BITCH!" In a spite of anger I lifted my leg and aimed for his target as I forced my leg forward, kicking him where it hurts. He'd bend forward "AGHHH!" Tommy went up to Wilbur to grab him and help him "You are not welcome into GHOSTBUR and I's home." I'd slam the door, Tommy broke my promise, he broke what I asked.. Where is Ghostbur? I had so many questions burning through my head but I was in too much of a mood to even consider opening the door again, I can hear their mumbles "Wilbur I'm not sorry they did that-" Tommy got cut off but a grunting pissed off man "Tommy, haha, just help me.. We have better people to visit anyways." That stings.. The beautiful guy I once loved is gone forever and is now replaced with this douche, why.

I'd get up and would run towards the bed we use to sleep on as I jump onto it cuddling the pillows as if he was still here, I can't even have his thoughts in my mind without it hurting. I can't sleep, it hurt's way too much.. Oh Ghostbur.. Where are you? I just want to die over and over, I want to feel something other than this. Please.

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