A deal with the Devil

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I'd throw a blanket gently over Ghostbur before briefly sneaking out of the façade like area. There I was, on the platform that separated me from the train tracks and where it all happened that made me do this "I'm sorry Ghostbur." I'd silently wait for the train to come, when it did I had to face him again.. A beaten up conductor with some bandages, he hunched over as his mask was vaguely cracked with dried up blood "So you beat me up and dare visit me again, you're a youthful little shit aren't you?" He'd try stand tall but since the attack I don't think he will. "I wanna go back up.. Please." I'd stare at him trying to keep a straight face "You think I'd let you back? NO!" He looked down and began to chuckle at me "I'll do your bidding." After hearing that he'd look up at me "If you wish, I have a lot for you to do." His voice was calm that it was scaring me in a sense "Go on." I'd walk slowly towards the train "If I do send you up you must do them all, not at once and not in an order.. You must do them before a week passes." Luckily I wasn't going to be here for a week. "Deal," I'd hop onto the train, grasping the rails inside "Now send me to Tommy's home." Dream would nod his head as the doors shut and the train started to move, he kept eye contact with me or at least his mask did. I couldn't exactly tell what he was thinking, he was a random guy for sure. He acts very powerful for a guy with little needs. "What must I do?" I'd speak calmly, I didn't want to show any signs that I was afraid of him "There's a lot, are you sure?" It felt like his glare was directly at me despite not being able to see through his mask. "I'm sure." I'd tighten my grip on the loose bars of the train, "I want you to break me out of prison, that's ONE." There was silence for a brief moment "Take me to a man named George" Ah yes, George. I've not met him but I have read about him before, "Kill Sam for me and then retrieve me every single disc Tommy has!" These weren't as much as I assumed he'd be giving me but they were certainly a challenge. "I'll do them, I'll do them all." I'd look down, even though I couldn't see his face I knew he was grinning.

The train would stop by Tommy's house as requested "Get off, and remember your tasks." I'd nod as I hopped off, the train instantly drove off into thin air as the grass and flowers were gently swaying. I'd instantly run into Tommy's house scavenging through his chests for armor, weapons and possible potions, after finding some I'd shove them into my invent as I soon adventured off to the prison. I'd take my time heading there as I wasn't in a rush or anything and I had specifically a week right? Right. I'd finally make it as I took out my phone, "Calm and collected." I'd call him as he picked up instantly "Hello?" His voice crisped over the terrible phone quality "Hello there, you must be Sam the owner of the prison," I took a moment before continuing "I'm y/n and I came to visit Dream, I can speak more over with you at and inside the prison. The quality over this phone is a bit wacky." After all that he gave a simple, "Ah yes of course, I've heard a little about you." We then both hung up as he did what he needed and let me in. For a brief moment I thought about what I was doing, did this mean I was working with the villain, am I bad? No, I'm doing this for Ghostbur. I'd step through inside and I am now face-to-face with this so called 'Sam' character. I can't wait to get this week over and done with.

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