Old friends

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After jumping out I'd fall into a black voided area with a façade that made me feel like I had zero power, my knee's were scrapped and my head felt dizzy. I'd help myself up as I walked towards two double doors that looked like they were drawing with a white marker as I open them and walk in.. I meet face-to-face with some old friends. Schlatt, Mexican Dream and a few more, out of these sad and boring looking characters one stuck out more, in the corner was a sea blue glow as sobs were heard from the man, he looked as if he had melted. "Hello, Are you okay?" He'd stop crying and would aggressively wipe his face, still facing the corner, as his arms got burnt from his tears. He'd stand up and would turn around..

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, in a pure swift of wind that sent shivers down my spine. "I've never been so excited to get chills in my life..." I'd stare at the loom-y figure as he spoke "Y/n.." His calming voice had a slight tone of fear so I rushed to him with my arms wide open  almost toppling him over but he caught me just in time, he was leaning against the wall behind him. "Ghostbur.. I've never wanted to hug you so badly" I'd grab his chin pulling his face towards mine giving him a peck on the lips, he'd grip tighter around me as his head fell onto mine "I'm scared.." I have never been so happy to hear the echo of his voice "Don't be.. Everything's okay, I'm sure someone will figure this out and they'll get us out." Ghostbur would drop down, still with me in his grasp as we're now sitting down. I'd lay into him, he felt so cold but so warm.. The thoughts ran back to me about how much I've missed him, I've done a lot haven't I? This isn't a dream is it? Did I miss the punch? Did Dream knock me out? I didn't want to over-think, not now.

My eyes would slowly shut as I hear a loud bottle smashing along with seeing playing cards and cash fly into frame, I couldn't open my eyes but I hear a faint shouting, Ghostbur grips me tighter as my vision dies down and I fall asleep.

"Wake-y wake-y princess." Comes a tough voice as I open my eyes to a man in a suit, he's part goat.. I think? He'd take a large sip from a bottle of Smirnoff "Who..?" The only word I can manage out of my mouth as I slowly got up "You, now wake up." I'd stare at him.. I had awaken when you asked.. "Okay." He'd stare at me for a solid 20 seconds or so before holding out the bottle of Smirnoff "No thank you, I don't drink." He'd reel his hand back in as he stood up, gripping my hand and pulling me up.. Where is Ghostbur? "You need anything? Some food? Some clothes?" Who is this strange goat man? He's acting like a father figure. "No?" I'm confused. "Good, if you do ask me." I'd struggle to stand but I manage "Why..?" The man would look at me "Ghostbur, the melt-y dude. He told me to watch you." The answer didn't help, context-wise, but I took it either way.. I'd shift my head around to see Mexican Dream, I only know him from Tommy's blown up exile home.. His grave still stands.. I think? Next to him was an extremely shy and insecure looking figure he took a glance at me and we locked eyes, he instantly looked away in fear.. It was Tommy's ghost? I guess his Ghost is the complete opposite of him.. He wasn't any of my concern though, where was Ghostbur? "Goat man." The father figure looked at me "Schlatt, the name's Schlatt. The president of Manberg." Manberg huh? I've read about that in the Library before.. So this man is of great power. "Ah yes.. I've read about you!" He'd pause in delight "Read?" He was suddenly so interested in what I had to say.. "Yeah! I was reading a history book in the local Library and it mentioned a 'President of Manberg, quoted "We don't take no L's.'!" I had memorized the words. "AHAH! I knew those fuckers would miss me enough to make a book on me!" The book wasn't about him but I let him have his pride.. I'm being baby sat by some cute father figured man.

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