Embraced in silence

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It had been about 3 hours and this goat man is still talking about himself, what an ego he's got huh? "That's why I ditched the little fucker." He'd finally finish as I proceeded to clap "Amazing! I never knew THAT much about you.." His face after I said that "What? Wasn't it all in the book?" He'd stare at me pointing to my chest "Not all! I guess they couldn't capture ALL of your beauty." I was almost done feeding this father figure love, luckily the shy seeming tall figure walked over "H-Hi." He'd stutter as Schlatt snarked at him "What's the small T doin' over here 'ey?" What he had said triggered the boy to look down and apologize "I d-didn't mean it.. I'm," He'd take a while "WELL? Spit it out small T." "..Sorry" He'd start to fiddle with his fingers "You better be." Schlatt walked off to a table that had some bottles of Vodka and Smirnoff so I decided to take the lead "You okay Big T?" I'd grab his hand trying to comfort him as he looked up at me, his cheeks melted as tears rolled down his face but he wiped them off "Yeah... I guess?" He'd make eye contact with me before letting out a smile "Trust me, you're a good person and you should speak up for yourself." After saying that he'd close his eyes and would dash into me, hugging me. 

Not moments after we finished hugging, and playing a small game of go fish, Ghostbur came in with Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. "GHOSTBUR?" I'd jump up running towards him and hugging him "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I'd look up at him "I've been into the world and got Tommy and his friends!" "RANBOO ISN'T MY FRIEND" Tommy had shouted from behind me, he was looking at his ghost "You're so grey looking" He'd say as his ghost looked down in shame "I'm s-sorry.." Tommy was confused, other than that Schlatt looked over at Tubbo "TUBBO!" He'd shout as he ran over to him hugging him.. Tightly "You tiny piece of shit, wow you still have your horns.." He'd grasp onto Tubbo's horns "Haha yeah.." He'd chuckle nervously as Ranboo grabbed Schlatt's wrist "Let go please." The void was now a mess of confused feelings, but I had no worry for that now that I'm with Ghostbur.. "We have to go kill Wilbur! He's going to take over!" I'd look up at Ghostbur but he'd put his finger over my lips "No, it's fine" He had a calm reaction and continued to hug me.. Now what? Was this it? What do we do now? Does he even have a plan? I was at a panic state.. What was Wilbur going to do? I know I've never really met this man but he's already ruined half of my life and everyone else seems to dislike him. "We should sit down and rest!" Ghostbur said before taking my hand and walking to a couch and sitting down on it, I'd fall onto it as he grabbed me and cuddled me "But we should really do something before Wilbur take's control.." I attempted to speak up but he just cuddled me without speaking.. So there we were in silence as everyone else were almost at each other's necks..

"Y/n! You're here.. Welcome to the party." He'd grasp my wrists tightly "You're just in time.." He proceeded to pull me through a long hallway, it wasn't a hallway though but it was a black void that just felt like a hallway "Let go of me! LET GO!" I'd kick and scream but he had no reaction as he took me through a doorway "We've been waiting for you.." He'd calmly pull me in as he got close to me and hugged me tightly and whispered into my ear "You are going to have so much fun~" His lips caressed my cheek as he kissed me.

"Stop!" I'd fall off the couch, my leg getting stuck in-between it.. Ow? It was a nightmare. I'd get my leg un-stuck as I stabled myself and looked around, everyone was asleep.. It was time to take action.

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