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"Mama Mia! Where is Bower-a!?!?"

"G-Ganondorf? Where are you?"


"Ridley! Quit hiding, and continue the battle!"

"Poyo Poyo Poyoooo! (King Dededeeeeeeee!)"

"You seen Wolf over there? Why are we finding Wolf already?"

In every dimension, the cries for the villain was heard. But no matter hard they tried, it always ended up not finding them. It was strange, but a little scary for all of them. Who would do such thing? Why would they do that?




"what the hell what the hell what the hell what the hell"

"This is Fox, you've seen W- AAAAAAAGH!!!!!"

Kirby well.... floated away from the pile of crash. 

"Mama Mia! Who are you guys!?", Mario shouted.

"Same for me! What are you, a ball!?", Link pointed his sword

"Poyo Poyo Poyo!! (I'm Kirby!!!)", Kirby yelled

"Yeah right you all look old fashioned!", Fox barked

"Did you really just say that?", Samus looked Fox dead in the eye.

"Geez! Just, where am I!?!?!?", DK Ooked some more.

"God... Quiet everyone, quiet!!!", A voice appeared.

"Who?", Everyone stated.

"I am PLAYER. You may have been wondering where the villains went. I am the one who zapped them with lightning to send them into a dimension that they would NEVER escape. Since they have no good in them, I know they would die together there. Any who, you are sent to this dimension just to hear what happened", PLAYER spoke out.

"Yeah, but don't you think that's-a little over the line?", Mario questioned.

"Sigh, You have a hard time living with the villains right? I also have a bad time, so I did this for you guys. Now you may live in peace. I don't care what happens to them anyways", PLAYER explained.

"Geez! I was about to deliver that last blow on Ridley and you stole my spotlight!", Samus hissed.

"No more questions. You all go back to the dimension where you were", PLAYER remarked.


"Mario? Wh-where is papa?"

"I'm sorry jr. I met the guy who struck Bowser, and he said that he sent him to a dimension nobody can't escape....", Mario stammered.


Bowser jr bursted into tears as he knew he could never meet his dad again. No one could do anything but look at Bowser's son cry and cry. Everyone thought this was the end, and couldn't do anything. Did they gave up? No. Were they close to? Yes. As mystery for the Koopa king went going on, it was the same for other game worlds.

"Ganondorf's spirit is good, but the body is vile...", Zelda reported, "If his body is gone, the spirit is gone too..."

"This remind you of anything?", Link stated.

Zelda shook her head, and sat down on a rock as they thought about what happened. 

"Look, I just met this guy called PLAYER. He was the one who zapped Ganondorf's body. He said he'll never come back from that prison dimension or whatever", Link explained sadly.

"Wh-what!?", Zelda looked Link with a shocked expression. Her eyes widened, and mouth hanged open. It seems like she just seen Link's body in a pool of blood. Of corse that didn't happen, but still. 

"No. I don't think it's impossible to escape. NOT  at all", Zelda stood up, "There should be a way to escape there, and we're going to think about it"


"Donkey Donkey! Wh-where were you!? I thought you were gone too!", Diddy jumped up and down.

"Diddy, K. Rool is like gone. He's literally gone! We... we can't do anything about it...", DK frowned.

"Wh- WHAT!? What happened!? Is he dead or anything????"

"No. That's unknown. Maybe he is, but a guys called PLAYER sent him into an unknown dimension that's impossible for them to escape. I don't even know how he's gonna survive there"

Silence grew in DK's cabin. Why would PLAYER do such vile thing? Did he really think that the heroes would be happy with that? Maybe some, but the heroes here aren't. 

"DANG IT! DANG YOU PLAYER, DANG ALL OF YOU!" Samus mean while thundered her way, shooting everything and rage quitting her way.


Samus breathed hard in her suit. Never has she been filled with rage in her life. She knew just rage quitting everything wouldn't do anything, so she decided to return to her star ship. Samus came here just to get her revenge on the purple nemesis, but when he's gone he's just gone. 

About ten minutes later, she was already in her star ship. Thinking about she smashing PLAYER in every way she could. Words could not describe her rage. Samus shook her thought, and continued heading for earth.

"But, it's always possible to get out of a dimension....."


"K-kirby! Where were you? And... wh-where is King Dedede!?!?!?", One of the crowds asked.

"Poyo.... Poyo Poyo Poyo Poyo Poyo Poyo Poyo Poyo Poyo Poyo (He.. He was sent to a dimension that's impossible to escape!", Kirby explained

"Wh-what!? Who would do such thing!?!?!?", the guy even asked for more.

"P-P-PLAYER", Kirby stuttered.

"PLAYER!?!?!? I have NO idea who PLAYER is... but that's bad! We NEED to save the King!!!"

Kirby just shivered in the one spot, but knew he had to do something. He stood up, and knew that only one person could solve this.


"F-Fox! Where were you! We thought you were gone as well too!", Slippy quaked.

"Yeah. Me, old gramps, and the toad was very scared about you", Falco sarcastically stated.

"Oh geez I didn't mean to do that! I'm sorry guys!", Fox stammered.

"No worries Fox! Your father has probably said the same thing too!", Peppy chuckled.

"Ugh.... what are we gonna do? Praise the Foxy Boy, or find Wolf?", Leon sneered.

"Oh yeah! Well.... about that..."

"About what!?"

"Wolf is gone. Gone forever. This guy called PLAYER zapped him, and teleported him into a dimension that's impossible to escape. Now.... now he's gone", Fox groaned.

Lylat has never been this silent before.

"Wolf's gone?", Star Fox could barley hear his voice because of how shocked he was.

"Leon please I know we can help I kn" 

"Thank you Thank you I need some time good bye!", Leon quickly disappeared.

"I'm worried about him"

Everyone was worried about their nemesis.

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