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CHAPTER THREE :  I knew that taking Shamay from her dad was going to be hard but this was starting to work my last nerves. Why can't she just cooperate with me and do what the fuck she's told without all the damn whining and complaining. Never wanted to be a mother in the first place hell I was already cheating on her dad cause his ass wanted to get married when I was happy with partying and living it up. Besides I was already in another situation, so because the other dude threaten to leave and cut off my supply of drugs there was no way I was staying with her father and raising her. Now I have no choice but to reup  and find another gateway out of this shit I was in. So what better way to do it than sweet innocent Shamay, but the way she acting she go ruin everything. I had to find just the right drug to keep her cool. I have been keeping tabs on her father and the way they have  been living and I say it's pathetic! Who teaches their child how to be responsible and live right? His house wasn't a church and he damn sure aint no pastor. See if he would just have followed my lead we would have been swimming in money and I would have never cheated. But he wanted to live right and I call that lame and I had to bounce. I'm glad I got to her, maybe I can change her cause God knows her sister wasn't no help neither!
Damn this club is jumping all the niggas up in here ready to spend it all on me and if Shamay is lucky she may get a lil something something as well. I met one of the stripers  and pointed them in the direction of my daughter.
"Shamay get yo ass out the corner and let this fine chocolate dance on you!" I yelled in her direction.
"Sara I'm ready to go this is crazy." Shamay said to me.
"If yo ass don't shut the fuck up and let his dance on you ima kick yo ass so bad you go need stitches , now shut the fuck up and let him enjoy his self! "
She gave me a look and just sat in the chair while the guy started to dance on  her and give her that work.
Damn, I needed a drink this child was driving me up the wall
"Sara what the hell are you doing here?"
I looked up to see none other than John.
"What's up John you see your new worker over there getting ready for you?"
"Now hold the hell up I thought I told you I wasn't taking no one else especially after that other daughter of yours didn't do what I say and let my fells run a train on her."
"Oh calm down nigga you still using her right ?"
"Well yeah but ..."
"Then shut up and let me prepare my other for ya I just have to find the right tricks to keep her cool that way you can get double the money and profits."
"Ok, but if this one show her ass that's yo ass."
I walked off and found my way  to the bar and ordered a strong shot, I needed to think of a way to use my daughter so that I can get my drugs and live lavishly with no headaches. Damn I hope no niggas in here know what I'm doing or this can blow my cover.
It was getting late and I decided to leave Shamay there, hell she can find her own way home I had better things to worry about like how I was going to put this plan into motion. As I was walking through the roughest part of the hood I saw all the drug dealers out and decided to buy me some dope for tonight.. Maybe I can convince Shamay to try some and then place her were I need her. I don't understand why she won't just stop acting like a fool and live life the only way she will be able to . Girls today don't go to school they sell their selves so why can't she? Hells if she doesn't do it ill just get men to beat her until she gets it.
"What are you doing on this side of town?"  I heard a familiar voice say as I was walking.
"I'm recruiting why is it any of your business besides, you have no right to ask me about my business."
"And you had no right to bust my father and get me kicked out but you did."
"Look you lil mistake don't you ever talk to me like that I am still your mother and I still own you until you die never forget that."
"You don't own shit and soon as I get the strength to leave I will and you will regret this."
'Lil bitch you are and forever will be a prostitute  and no one will ever save you or help you now you keep back talking me and ill tell and make sure your night is a living hell !"
"No I'm tired of being quite because of you I lost everything even my daughter I hate you and you are nothing to me!"
"And you are nothing to me that's why you are on this corner giving your all for the block and judging by your face the beating that ass look looks great on you but don't worry you won't be alone for long I have a nice little surprise for you."
"The only surprise I want to see is you gone and I want to get back on track with life."
I laughed out loud and went up to her and punched her in the face over and over until she was too weak to stand and made sure to pull out my phone to call up the boss. Her night was going to be hell and I was going to enjoy what I was about to do.
"Don't worry I'm sure your sister would love to stand beside you and get her face knocked in as well every day and night!"
"What sister?" She asked with tears rolling down her eyes.
I just walked away with not another word her surprised look was enough for me.

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