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With a head full of thoughts and a soul full of pain I was thinking of my life and how it had no purpose. I was ready to die but then I looked up and saw shamay getting felt on and I couldn't do a thing. I was tied to a chair and the more I screamed the more I was punched. I was feeling weak and here is my sister damn near getting raped. I was so confused as to why they just won't kill us and get the over with. My sister was fighting her way out while I was looking for a way out of here. I had no other choice but to do the unthinkable. "Wait stop!" I yelled out and  before another hit came I quickly said what I had to say. "Why does she get to have all the fun? I want some of that good stuff. Maybe if she saw me do it she could learn how to take it what do you say?" "Ok fine but she's not getting away that easily, take her to the other guys she can get whopped  instead since she doesn't  want to share with us."As I watched my sister get taken out I pray she didn't get hurt too badly. They tossed me on the bed as the guys had their way with me. As I was getting the business from the guys I prayed that my sister was saved from the madness. With tears in my eyes I laid there and took it like a champ. It was about five guys in the room so I knew I was going to have a long night. It was daylight when I found myself in a bed full of blood and my arms and legs tied. I was very weak and couldn't move for nothing in the world. I had to find a way out and find my sister as quick as possible before anyone came in and started all over again. Suddenly the room door opened and this guy walked in with a full black suit and a mask on his face. I started screaming but the guy instructed me to stay still .I figured he was one of Johns guys but when he started untying me I was a little confused. When I was finally up he instructed me to follow him so I did without a word spoken .When we got to the hall way I saw a room of dead bodies and that's when fear took over all I could think about was my sister. The guy escorted me outside and waved his hand for me to step back so I did. Again he instructed me to keep calm by giving me a smile. As I stood back he walked over to this truck and pulled out what looked like some kind of bomb. I ran to the truck and jumped inside as he blew the house up into pieces.  He then handed me a note from his pocket. Suddenly the truck cranked up and I started to ride away. I didn't notice someone was in the front seat. Whoever that guy was he saved my life and I was forever grateful and after reading the note I had a little hope that my sister was alright as well. But I wonder where I was going now? I was use to these kinds of rides so I just sat back and took the ride I was tired of fighting for my freedom so I guess it was time for another round of men or death cause that's all that was on my mind besides my sister. DREW: After John showed up at my crib and tried to kill me I wasn't going out like that I tried everything to get rid of him but I was defeated and taken to his spot where I would spend my last days. I didn't know what was going on but I was ready for this to be over with. I asked John many questions but received no answers; all I received was  killer looks. It's been days since I been tied up by chains and gagged at the mouth. I kept smelling gasoline and I knew this was it. I prayed to God about my daughter and asked that he place a hedge of protection around her and to keep her safe.  The smell was getting stronger by the day and I was just waiting to die. When John came back down he snatched the object out of my mouth and asked me if I had one last wish before it was all over. "All I want is my child but I know you don't know where she is so just kill me." "I'm sorry nigga but your child should be as good as dead so I guess you're ready to go right?"My tears started flowing and my soul left my body. I can't believe my child was dead. After all this  she was gone, I couldn't apologize for allowing her to go with her mom. I couldn't even make her stay that night when she showed up at my place. Now I was truly lost in the world with no hope and no way out. Before John shot me between my eyes to end it off he heard shots coming from upstairs so he told me to wait here as if I could go anywhere. He left me with thoughts of my dead daughter and the feeling of true regret. My life was now broken and there was no way to put it back together again. That girl brought true love to my life that smiles would change any mood. The way she carried herself in a way of excellence and now she's gone. I thought I did a good job but I guess not cause she was somewhere dead and here I am getting ready to die as well. When the door opened there was this guy in a full black suit. I still heard the gunshots from up the stairs as he came down and untied me from the chains and set me free. "What's going on here who are you?" I tried to ask the dude but he didn't answer me." Instead he pulled out a rope and found a table in the corner, stood on the table and opened the window and then tied the rope around something and jumped off the table. He instructed me to climb my way out and run free. Didn't really have a place to go but I listened and made my way to the outside. I looked around to make sure no one was around and made my way towards the crib. I had a funeral to plan anyway.

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