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SHAMAY: "I wish you would stop chasing me with you gun and shooting , for the last time I am not striping in some club for some men I am not a piece of meat." "Its either you strip or you die take your pick." Sara said to me. I had to think about this I didn't want anything to happen to my father or me but I also didn't want to strip or make a fool of myself , I mean I wasn't much of a dancer and I'm not use to being around tons of people. Why can't I work in a store or something or hell I'll even learn to sell drugs if I have to but striping I don't think I can do this anymore. But I wanted my answers so I swallowed the fear in my chest and gave her the best smile I could muster. "Ok Sara what do I have to do and will this take long ? After that pill you gave me I'm feeling sleepy." "Bitch please stop whining and put on this outfit if you want to be the best striper and make my money cause it damn sure won't be yours you have to look the part." I went inside the bathroom and took a look at the outfit and felt so disgusted, the shirt was damn near showing everything so I mind as well be naked. The skirt was so short anyone could reach up there if they wanted to. The shoes were stilettos and my mind was racing with a million thoughts. As I placed the outfit on I thought about my dad and said to myself that I was doing this for him. "Girl hurry the hell up we don't have all day" ! Sara yelled as she banged on the door. "I'm almost finished damn can I have a minute?" BOOM BOOM ! I heard as she shot the door and scared the hell out of me. I quickly gathered myself an opened the door. "Oh no that's all wrong I got a better top for you , here place this on it will help you stand out you go be killin them hoes ! ""Sara this is nothing but a bra I'm not wearing this shit." Before I knew it she pulled out this pepper spray and sprayed me all in my eyes. "Ok ok!" I cried out in pain from the stinging of my eyes. I was tired of being hurt but I kept my head high and snatched the shit out her hand and changed."There now talk back to me again and your ass go sleep outside and I heard it was going to rain tonight." About twenty minutes later we pulled up to the nail shop, I was forced to wear these long nails and then we went to the beauty salon. After everything was done I had a face full of makeup and a soul full of worries. We pulled up to the club where I was stared at whistled at and introduced to this guy named John. I was ready for this training to be over with but the highlight of the night was when I thought I saw Rhonda and she didn't look like she was having much fun and I totally agreed with that emotion.RHONDA: "What are we doing here John you're not rewarding me are you?" I asked with an attitude. "No bitch I'm punishing you , Some of the guys have been telling me that you been slacking on the job lately." "Look john!"I yelled in frustration but instantly I regretted doing once he hit me the belt he had in his hand. I quickly softened up and decided to take a new approach "Look I don't give a damn about your emotions but since you can't seem to get with the fellas I'll try you out on striping and maybe you'll end up going home with someone and making you some money or something." "Striping really ? You do remember what happened the last time don't you?" "Yeah I remember but don't worry you won't freeze up this time cause if you do you will have hell to pay." The last time I tried striping in front of a crowed; I froze up and ran off stage causing my ass to get beat when John found out. I was so scared of repeating the same mistake and getting into trouble. I had to find a way out of this hell. I just wanted to see a bright light or something. "Rhonda Rhonda ! Girl don't you hear me talking to you?" "Yes what's up my bad I was just thinking of freedom." I said smartly. "Hoe you need to be thinking about how to shake that ass and make these dollas." He said laughing. "John I don't know how to strip." "Don't worry I have people to teach you." All of a sudden this guy came over and started smiling at me while licking his lips looking like he was ready to eat me alive. "Yo what's up my man this is your new worker Rhonda isn't she sexy?" John said to this guy who obviously ran the club or something. "Yeah man but she will look better naked and I can't wait to rip those clothes off her." I was squirming on the inside and I was ready to go home . The room started spinning and my body got sweaty. All of a sudden I started throwing up and by the looks on John's and the guys face I knew I was in trouble. "Did this bitch just throw up on me?" The guy said out loud. "I'm so sorry sir please forgive me?" The guy walked up and gripped my neck so tight I thought I was in another world. "No bitch you go pay now bend down and lick it off my shoes." I looked at him with a disgusted look in my eyes but bent down and started licking his shoes as if I was proud to do it. I was feeling so lost and so low. After John and the guy walked off I quickly ran to a corner just to cry, I needed help, I needed peace, I needed a sign that everything would be alright. But when I looked up and saw Shamay all I needed at this point were answers. I didn't know her but judging by the way she carried herself I would have never thought that I would see her in a place like this.Copyright © candies Williams 2019

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