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When I imagined sleeping outside, it was in a tent, surrounded by family and friends having the best time of my life. But instead I was soaked from the vicious storm of last night. , hungry as hell, and getting eaten by bugs and flies. I didn't even remember lying on a mattress, but I was thankful I had something to lay on. I didn't know the time but I was sure it was the late morning by the way the sun was set in the sky. I needed to get to the house but I didn't want to run into Sara and her annoying ass.
"Are you ok?" I heard from behind me.
I turned around and it was none other than Rhonda.
I was embarrassed to be seen like this, especially after I told her I was going to my mom's house just days ago.
"Oh yeah I'm fine just living on the wild side I guess." I said with a fake smile on my face.
"I thought you stayed with your mom?" She asked me with a frown on her face.
"I do but she made me sleep outside."
"Why would she make you do that ? And what happened to your arm?" She asked.
I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable with these questions, and the way I looked was like I was homeless as hell.
"Uh, let's change the subject Rhonda. What are you doing here?" I asked her to take some of the heat off me.
"Well I was just trying to get away for a little while if that was possible."
"Oh your pimp or something must be looking for you."
When she bowed her head and started to shiver I knew I said the wrong thing and I hope she wasn't upset with me.
"I hate working  for him. All I do is have sex with strange men and work under his control all day it's pathetic. I never got to finish school or anything. "
"Well ... I know this is a weird question but , if you could have a normal life what would you want to be when you grow up?"
"Well me I guess if I could I would have been a nurse or a doctor what about you?"
"Well I guess I would be a librarian, I love books."
"Oh that's cool, hey I know this is weird but would you like to go somewhere and have a little something to eat?" She asked me.
"Sure that would be fine but I'm soaked and dirty.."
"Don't worry I can just buy us something with the money I stole from my boss and we can eat outside."
"Oh  ... ok sure" I said to her
I never done anything like this before , but I was also very hungry so I trusted her .we  started walking and talking and suddenly I felt these hands go around my waist. I wasn't much of a fighter but I swung with all my mite. I heard Rhonda screaming for him  to put me down. I was kicking and punching until something went over my nose and everything around me slowed down. My eyes got extremely heavy and my mouth became very dry. There was darkness all around me and I didn't know what to do. My body gave up and I passed out. I didn't know what was going on but I knew I wasn't going to have a good day.

RHONDA: I blinked my eyes and tried to get a good look at the room that I was in. I was extremely sweaty and very tired as if I haven't slept in weeks. I tried to move but every time I did I felt a shock go through my body and it went all the way to my toes. I saw this little detector on me and it was held on by a small chain. Suddenly I heard a door open and seen a body being rolled in.
"Shamay "!! I Screamed out.
I tried to move from my spot to see if I can help her but it was no use. The sting of the shock had me weak. She finally got the strength to turn and look at me with fear in her eyes. I knew this was no environment for her. She looked so innocent like she was still a little girl or something.
"It's ok Shamay I'll find a way out and take you home right away you don't belong in a situation like this. "
"No .... It's ok if I'm here there must be a reason I must have done something to deserve this right?"
The look in her eyes was tearing me apart and I could only think of one person capable of doing something like this.. Well two if you count Sara but what would Sara have to do with Shamay?
I tried to look for a window but the only window I saw was way up to the ceiling and there was no way that we would get all the way up there.
"Hey, look Rhonda the fool left the door open, maybe we can sneak out. Do you have enough strength?"
"Yes, I think so but we have to do this quickly."
"Ok... I'm new to this sneaky business but I think if we're going to get out of here you should be first."
"Why should I be first?" I asked with loads of curiosity.
"Well you look like you had an awful life and I just want you to be free for once."
I looked at her with loving eyes and proceeded to walk out first but grabbing her hand just to be sure. We started to run down the long hallway until we found a door. I unlocked it and we ran free. But I forgot about the shock going through my legs and fell over. Suddenly she tried to break the chain with her hand and even though I was in pain I told her to keep trying . She was such a brave girl and very helpful in my time of need.
"Where the hell do y'all think y'all going?" We heard a male's voice behind us.
We froze and turned around to see none other than John staring at us with the look of lust in his eyes.
"John look I'll come back, but you need to let this one go. She's so innocent and I don't want nothing to happen to her." I said to john hoping he would let her go and give me whatever punishment he had in mind.
"Why would I let her go, I mean shouldn't you share with your sister?"
"What sister John I'm the only child remember?"
"You are Shamay right? He asked Shamay"
"Yes... Yes sir."
"And your mom is Sara right?" He asked her again. And my mouth grew wide.
"Yes she is sir."
"Then yup y'all are sisters. Hey why are y'all shocked, She may not have wanted y'all but I can have some fun with y'all and make money. Seems like y'all are loved after all.  He said with a devilish grin on his face.
Me and Shamay looked at each other in complete fear, but I knew that she was just as curious as I was.
Copyright © candies williams 2019!

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