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After finding out that me and Shamay were sisters, we both had the same thing on our minds we had to find that low down bitch of a mother Sara. How could she do that to us and say nothing and better yet almost abort us? Shamay told me where she lived as we were running trying to avoid getting caught by John, we ended up in her neighborhood and we were ready for action. We banged on the door and about two minutes later she answered. "Well well well what do I owe this visit?" Sara asked with a smirk on her face. But before we could speak Shamay punched Sara in her face."I know dam well .. Sara started to say but was cut off by Shamay. "Listen bitch we don't have all day how dare you hide this shit now we want the truth."I looked at Shamay in shock and with a smile. Guess she had enough. "Y'all were mistakes that I hate and that's the end of the story, now will you pains excuse me I have something to do. ""We will leave once you tell us the truth." I said to Sara. "Ok you bitches here you go. I fucked around with yawl daddies back and forth and I guess you can say Rhonda's dad won cause I stayed with him and let's just say I was forced to keep y'all.""Why didn't you want us what we weren't good enough?" I asked Sara as Shamay was looking like she was ready to swing again."Why would I want some dusty ass children messing up my way of living when I could be free in the world? ""So who did you have first?" I asked Sara. "Shemay, and after her birth I dipped to be with your weak ass daddy. Now it was my turn to swing and before you knew it we were all in one big fight. We were so loud we could be heard throughout the apartment complex. Me and my sister were truly angry and ready to kill this bitch for ruining both of our lives. We were finally in the house as me and Shamay took turns beating Sara's ass. Suddenly John came through the door trying to break us up. Everybody stop!! John shouted! We all looked at him with anger in our eyes. "Sara what are you doing? I was just about ready to break Shemay in you can't kill her just yet." "Fine but take these bitches out my sight I'm tired of looking at them anyway. And y'all bitches owe me John you know what to do". She said with a grin towards John. Me and Shamay started running but got caught up by his men who were standing outside just waiting. We tried kicking and screaming even biting but they got the best of us. We were tied up and placed in handcuffs but why we were going back inside of the house was beyond me. "John what the fuck why you brought them back in?" "Oh Sara you know why." He said with a smile. "Saia busted out laughing and replied... "Oh yeah that's right..."She went to the closet and opened up this door and Shamay was confused as fuck. But the sight I saw damn near stopped my heart.....DREW: I was getting ready for this stupid ass date that John set me up on. I was in no need for a women or interested in being anybodys boyfriend all I wanted was my child and to just be done with all of this shit. So what if I had a past, I'm sure everyone has one. And my daughter was sixteen I'm sure we could work everything out in due time."Ding dong," I heard the doorbell go off and I knew that was her. I had to play this just right or I may never see my child again. I opened the door and there stood this pretty lady, and her perfume was strong as ever. "Hey what's up you must be Zoey. I said the nicest way I could. "Yeah yeah yeah let's go I don't want to miss getting a park at Red Lobster. And don't forget your wallet." Who the fuck told this bitch I was paying? This wasn't no real date. I checked to see if I had everything and we proceeded to head to Red Lobster. I can't believe this bitch made me ride in my own car. Talking bout she didn't want to be seen with me this chick had her nerves. As we made it to Red Lobster it was a little packed but I'm sure we would be alright. This bitch must thought I was rich cause she brought the most expensive thing on the menu, then she had the nerve to purchase wine. I was so tired of hearing her talk about herself, I was just ready to get home and get this over with. "So Zoey do you have any children? I asked Zoey trying to get off the subject of all Zoey all the time. "Yeah why you aren't the daddy so what's it to you?' "I know I'm not the daddy dumb ass I was just asking a question." "Well don't ask me anything I'm just doing John a favor I don't want to get cozy with you besides I can't be caught up with a low down dirty monster like you." Was this bitch serious right now? "What the hell you mean by that?" "Oh nothing just thinking out loud.""Well next time before you think out loud think out loud some shit that make sense." I wasn't usually a man to get angry but this bitch was driving me up the wall and that comment threw me for a loop. We finally got back to my place and I don't know this lady followed me home cause I wasn't inviting her in. I had to go on this date I didn't have to sleep with her."So I can't come in and have a little drink?" She asked me."Uh hell to the naw with your crazy ass I would never invite you in my damn house, plus I thought I was a low down dirty monster as you so well put it.""Oh you are but i mean if you don't want to let me in I guess I can call John and tell him that you're not playing by the rules. ""Ok alright get yo ass in here but we only having one drink and that's it. I guess the wine wasn't enough." "Hell no that was the cheap stuff." "Giving her the bitch I don't give a fuck look"I invited her in and I prepared the drinks. We sipped our drinks and I begun to feel a little tired and before I knew it I was passed out on the couch. I hope that when I woke she was gone. When I woke up I thought I would be on the couch alone, but waking up to the barrel of a gun was never in my plans.

Copyright © candies Williams 2019

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