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CHAPTER 4:DREW Being a father was never in my plans, in fact I was too busy smoking my dope and getting high off my supply. But I knew it was too much when I found myself begging this women for a place to stay and some food to make it through the night. Hell even my own mom disowned me until I found some help so I did. I spent an entire year in a rehab just to get my life back on track that's when I met her at this welcome home party and I instantly fell in love and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Sara was a beautiful woman with a good head on her shoulders that's until she started hanging around with the dope boys on the block.  Our relationship was solid until I found out that she was cheating on me and that's when she also told me that she was pregnant and I was very excited. Just thinking of having my very own child, we were going to do everything together I didn't know how to be a father but I knew I was willing to learn. Sara told me that she tried to get an abortion but she was too far in her pregnancy and had to keep it until it was time for her to give birth. After our little girl was born I got a DNA test just to be sure and was happy to find out that she was mine. Sara on the other hand told me that she was checking out and wasn't ready to be a mom and really didn't want to be tied down with a child. I promised to take care of her and our baby and give them a good life, but she said she rather hang with her new friends and be free. After a few more days in the hospital and begging and pleading she still left and I was devastated. I didn't know how to be a single father and I didn't want to make a mistake but my mom was right by my side and she assured me that I would be a good father. As Shamay got older she asked about her mother and I just told her that her mother was very busy and that's why she didn't see her like that. Imagine my surprise when Sara showed up at my door step and demanded that she wanted to take her daughter. Fear ran through my body cause I knew if I didn't allow our child to go with her she would tell our daughter about my past and I was afraid so like a fool I let my child go. I pray she wasn't exposing my child to nothing crazy.
"What's up with you Drew what's going on?" I heard a voice say to me as I was taken out of my thoughts.
I was just sitting on the porch thinking about my daughter and how much I missed her here with me. I had no number to call her so I was just sitting without a clue.
"Hey man I'm good what's up with you? I asked one of my long lost friends.
"Man I'm just waking up I had a long night."
"Oh word, what did you do besides get drunk."
"Man I went out to the strip club last night and the ladies were looking good especially this one young hot mama with the mini skirt on."
"Oh really what was this one's name?"
"Man some weird name I think it was Shamay or something like that but man she was shy as fuck and I couldn't hang she wouldn't even show me a good time if you know what I mean."
My heart began to race at the thought of my daughter at a strip club in fact it sounded damn near impossible.
"Oh really now, well if she was shy what was she doing at a club?" I said seeking more information.
"Man she said she was forced, but I figured she just didn't want to fuck with me I mean she did look a little faded so I figured she was just high or drunk  or something I don't know but anyway man she was fine but she was a little too slow for my speed."
Thinking of my daughter in that way scared the shit out of me and I knew something was terribly wrong but what could I do I thought I had no way to reach her or her mother. I was praying she wouldn't do this to her but I guess it's payback for not wanting to be a mom. We talked a little more before I went inside and he went on his way  and he said that she was getting danced on but didn't like it. I was beyond terrified and just wanted to hug my child and apologize for letting her go so easily. I knew I had to come up with a plan to get my daughter but I knew it would be a struggle.
I had to make some calls or something to see if some of my old homeboys seen her around but I knew I had to be careful and not get caught up I wasn't all the way clean. Years ago I committed a murder because a man was trying to break in my house and kidnap my baby and the cops didn't believe me so I killed the man and exposed of the body and got my boys to handle it. Mama always told me to pray when times got tough but before I got on my knees there was a knock on my door. I went to answer my door and the sight before me damn near stopped my heart.
"Shamay what happened to you, and why are you so bloody?"
With a face full of blood and tears she didn't say anything she just fell as I caught her in my arms and began to cry. I knew her mother would come to find her and I knew to keep her mother quite about my past I had to let my child go with her.  I needed to think of a way to save my child cause this was not the life I wanted for her.

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