#2 ~millionaire?~

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'That's a nice name for a pretty and cute boy like you'

Yoongi told him and winked at the end of his sentence and Jimin reacted with a slight shade of pink on top of his cute little mochi cheeks.

'T-thank you, your name is pretty too' the blonde haired boy said.

They talked about a lot and had a lot in common too, things like music and hard work.

'It was nice meeting you but I have to go home now, can I have your number?' The black haired boy aka Yoongi asked Jimin.

'Of course you can' Jimin said and wrote his number down onto an order paper and wrote his name underneath his phone number and handed it to Yoongi which put it in his pocket.

'See you late pretty boy' the black haired boy spoke.

'Bye Yoongi, it was nice meeting you!' Jimin spoke as he headed back to the cash register and Yoongi walked to his car.

'Guess I didn't had to search far for the perfect one' Yoongi thought to himself and drove home.

When he got home, his maids already made him dinner and had left his huge house.

The black haired male ate his dinner and thought about Jimin and about Jimin only.

Once he was done eating he put his plate in the sink and headed upstairs to his room and his comfy bed.

He sat on his bed and grabbed the piece of paper Jimin had written his phone number on and contacted the number.

~chat conversation~

Yoongi: Hey pretty boy, I'm the black haired boy you met earlier in the café remember?

After a few minutes of waiting he got a message back.

Jimin: Yeah ofc I remember a handsome boy like you ;)

Yoongi: Oh? a flirt type I see?

Jimin: Yeah kinda

Yoongi: So what are you doing tomorrow?

Jimin: tomorrow it's Saturday so i'll be free from work and doing nothing, why?

Yoongi: great, can you come over at my house then?

Jimin: yeah sounds fun! Can't wait!

Yoongi: my address is at xxxxxx

Jimin: okay see you tomorrow:)

With that Yoongi did his night routine and went to sleep, tomorrow would be a great day!

The next day Yoongi woke up quickly, did his morning routine and put on a white shirt with black ripped pants and a black leather jacket.

He headed downstairs and ate his breakfast and sat down on the couch and watched some tv while waiting for the cute blonde male that could arrive any moment.

A few moments later he heard the doorbell and opened the door to see the cute mochi cheek blonde haired boy standing in frond of him.

He had a pink T-shirt on and tight black jeans, his hair also looked really fluffy like he just washed it.

'come in' Yoongi happily said and Jimin did as he told him.

'You really have a huge house, you practically live in a villa' Jimin told Yoongi as he looked around in awe.

'I know' Yoongi answered, 'would you like something to drink?' Yoongi asked.

'Ah just water is okay' Jimin told him 'I'm on a diet'.

'Why would you be on a diet when your body is already perfect?' The black haired male asked in confusion, 'would you like some juice?' Yoongi asked Jimin.

'If you insist, sure' the boy answered to Yoongi with a small smile.

They both walked to the kitchen and Yoongi gave Jimin his juice and poured some in a glass for himself too.

They sat down on the chairs in the kitchen and drank their juice and talked a bit.

'So, you're a millionaire or something?' Jimin asked Yoongi while looking around the kitchen.

'Actually, yes I am, my parents are very rich and that's why' Yoongi answered the blonde boy's question.

Jimin was in awe, why would a millionaire talk to an average boy like him?

He worked at the café nearby while the man next to him is a millionaire.

'Do you not know me then?' Yoongi asked with genuine curiosity.

'To be honest, no I don't I'm too busy with working to pay my rent to be really busy with social media's' Jimin answered him, kind of embarrassed by the poor information he knows about celebrities.

'That's okay' Yoongi answered, kinda happy to know that Jimin most likely won't use him for money.

But he still felt sorry for Jimin that he had to work so hard just to pay the rent while he was living in luxury.

'Btw, do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?' Yoongi asked Jimin.

'No I don't.... as I told you, too busy working heh' Jimin answered the question, 'and you? You probably do don't you?' Jimin asked a little sad thinking he knows the answer.

'No, I am currently looking for someone, that's why i headed to the café in the first place' Yoongi answered.

Jimin's eyes lit a bit up, 'really?' He asked and Yoongi nodded as answer.

'S-so why'd chose to talk to me out of all the people that exist?' Jimin asked him full of curiosity while mentally cursing at himself for stuttering.

'Well' Yoongi started, 'you looked cute, pretty, and you have cute mochi cheeks so why not? You looked perfect and that's what you are mochi' Yoongi finished.

Jimin blushed a bit at this comment that he didn't expect to hear from Yoongi's mouth, 'perfect? Me?' Was all Jimin thought.

'Well... thank you mr millionaire'


Part 2!
I edited some of the parts I didn't really like or sentences that didn't make sense/grammar mistakes.
Also, please vote if you like it. thank you!

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