Memory & Birthday! (Chapter 3)

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Izuku is currently sleeping in bed those 6 years to him was hellish as he did everything just to survive he felt anger at how he is just being ignored and forgotten by his own adoptive parents he wondered if his biological parents abandoned him as well, is he cursed that he can't even have anything nice for much longer time?

Izuku was already tired from everything so he decided to sleep, which he managed to do quite easily despite how uncomfortable the bed he was sleeping in but when you sleep in it for 5 years you find ways to sleep. Izuku woke up to find himself standing in a dark place as he looked around him but there was no sign of life nor anybody there. 

Izuku: Where am I, Did I already die!

?? &???: We will always love you Tristan!

Izuku looked at the source of the voice to see a white fog before it showed a young version of him at the age of 4 with a blond man and beautiful white hair women as they were engulfing Izuku into a hug, Many emotions were raging inside Izuku which varied from who are they? who is Tristan? Are they really my parents?

Tristan: I love you to dad, mom!

Izuku was shocked his eyes started to water from both happiness and sadness that he have parents who loves him but why did they abandon him? Why can't he remember them? He was interrupted when two arms engulfed him in a hug looking behind him he see the same man and women standing before him. 

Elizabeth: Look at you all grown up Tristan!

Meliodas: You're becoming a man like your old man. 

Izuku (Eye water): Are you really my parents? 

Meliodas (Sigh): Yes, we are Tristan!

Izuku: Why? Why did you abandon me? 

Elizabeth: We would never abandon you, we send you away for your own safety there were people after you and we couldn't afford it. 

Meliodas: Beside we weren't planning on making contact with you that early but we saw what happened in your life and those bastards I will make them pay for hurting you but right now I want you to promise me something. 

Izuku: Promise what?

Meliodas: Promise you won't look for us since you are not strong enough to face them yet even me and your mother had trouble fighting them. 

Izuku: I promise!

Meliodas: Good!

Meliodas proceeded to give Tristan his memory back by unsealing it which left Izuku overwhelmed as everything he ever wanted to remember is back his memories with his parents, uncles, aunts and many more he couldn't stop crying at that moment as he fell on his knees with both Meliodas and Elizabeth Hugging him harder while he hugged back much harder as he didn't want this moment to end

Elizabeth: I hope you could find it in your heart to forgive us son!

Tristan: I would never hate you both even if I suffered but knowing that both of you are alive is enough for me.

Meliodas (Teasingly): Don't worry we won't die anytime sooner not until we see who's the lucky girl?

Tristan (Blush): Daaad!! 

[Under Re-Write] Izuku Liones: Son of Meliodas and ElizabethWhere stories live. Discover now