Written Portion (Chapter 10)

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Tristan was seen sitting inside a giant auditorium with multiple rows of chairs which are extremely comfortable in Tristan opinion next to him was his team which was Lancelot, Nasiens and Arata. 

Arata: why did you make us take the entrance exam we could have had a free pass or even take the recommendation. 

Tristan: Recommendation makes there written exam harder because they expect you to become smarter as for the fighting portion it is a race which is completely boring but the entrance exam here is about (grin) destroying robots. 

Lancelot (Grin): Destroying robots sounds fun! 

Nasiens (lick his lips): Destroying robots sounds fun I can't wait to test my guinea pigs. 

Lancelot: Hey, what's up with the dude with glasses and blue hair he has been glaring at us for god knows how long. 

The four horseman of apocalypse looked at the kid and saw he was glaring at them, Tristan and Lancelot feeling offended that they are being glared for no reason they glare back which made the kid to turn his head quickly to the other side feeling that glaring is no longer of use as they had noticed him and they looked like they are ready to murder him. 

Tristan: What a wimp!

Lancelot: He sure is!

Tristan then noticed his former sister taking glances at him and Bakugo who was sitting next to her, he was extremely annoyed to see her but he just ignored her just as the light has shut down as a man with a tan cloak that covers most of his body, the area over his torso, and the high collar resembling that of a double-breasted trench coat. Underneath this, he wears a skin-tight black bodysuit with a golden striped neck area and a matching black helmet that covers his entire head, a jaw-guard attached over his nose and around his jaw, and circular mufflers. He also wears baggy dark gray pants and a pair of thin, lightweight prosthetic legs. He walked to the podium that would be a hero and a staff at UA called Ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm: Hello aspiring heroes today you will be doing the written portion of the entrance exam I wish you all luck and the exams will be passed I don't need to remind any of you that cheating is prohibited and any who is caught will be disqualified.

The people seem to take that without any problem as he cloned himself and started to pass the exams to everyone in the auditorium, Obviously Arata was seen lazily take the paper while we all took the exam and started writing our names as we waited for instruction to open the paper.

Ectoplasm: Now you can all turn your papers I wish you all luck!

Everyone opened there exams paper and started filling it in, Me and Nasiens had no problem filling the paper quickly as most of the test was basic knowledge that were taught to us by Merlin.

Tristan was able to finish the exam in less then 30 minutes before he walked to Ectoplasm and handed him the exam he nodded as he knew me already and know that I am quite smart and started correcting the exam while Tristan was left to go to another room where they will explain the battle portion of the exam, Nasiens was following Tristan because he was already done a long time ago. 

Tristan: Those exams are easy!

Nasiens: We are taught by my mother so obviously we would do much better than everyone there. 

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