Settling at UA! (Chapter 8)

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Tristan and his friends were teleported near Musutafu City by Merlin who just wanted to make sure they were safely transported there. 

Merlin: Now then I assume you know what to do and what not to do here. 

Lancelot: No stealing!

Nasiens: Use only villains as Guinea pig. 

Arata (Yawn): I will try to keep my sleeping to a minimum! 

Tristan (sadly): I know, I will have to drink moderately. 

Merlin: Good! Now goodbye and report to us if something happens. 

The four children nod as Merlin teleported away with Tristan and Lancelot having each other arm around each other shoulder. 

Tristan & Lancelot: LET'S GOOOO!!!

Arata: Well I am excited to know what kind of things Japan has to offer. 

Nasiens: It is my first time walking out in the human world. 

Tristan then took the three appointed four horseman of apocalypse towards the city were they will make good friends who they can trust with there secret one of them being the big three and who knows they might also find lovers who they could cherish something there parents would tease them often to the point that Ban had told them to take there captain footstep which made the children confused but when they told them about Nejire, Lancelot wouldn't let it go as he would tease Tristan a lot whenever Tristan was not in a good mood. 

Finally the Horseman were on the streets walking normally not having a care in the world despite getting odds looks because what are the chances to see four kids wearing weird dresses that makes them look like they are from the medieval era which doesn't go with today society Fashion not to mention they are seeing a floating pillow and a kid on top of it. 

Lancelot: What's up with those people. 

Nasiens (Sigh): It might have to do with the way we dress. 

Tristan: Well Uncle Nezu should be giving us other clothes although I never wore them much since I prefer what I am wearing. 

Nasiens: Guinea pig!

Tristan: No, she is your mother former experiments he is a chill dude and also have sadistic tendency if anything else I am sure you will love his company. 

Nasiens grin as having him as a principal would make his experiments much easier and legal, They then look at Lancelot who was drinking. 

Lancelot: Those alcohol are shit. 

Tristan: I feel you man nothing can beat the taste of Vanya Ale.  

Lancelot then threw the bottle away which hit someone head essentially knocking him out on the floor with them walking away like nothing really happened as Tristan lead them to the back entrance of UA luckily he had the ID card with him so he swiped the card which opened the door he knew that Nezu should be aware of his return by now and true enough the camera that was on top of the door moved downwards with Tristan waving to the camera before he got inside making sure to close the door behind him. 

Lancelot: Wow, how did he find out that we are here. 

Tristan: There is nothing that Uncle Nezu doesn't know. 

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