First day at UA (Chapter 12)

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It has been two weeks ever since the Entrance Exam you didn't need to be a genius to figure that you passed and going to enter UA mainly because Tristan and his team was the only group to score Villain points and even Rescue point at that. Lancelot was seen drinking ale as he looked at the Horseman. 

Lancelot: So how much do you think we scored. 

Tristan: From what I know there is around 535 robots in total in all Four Fake city, if I remember correctly I scored around 138 points what about you guys!

Lancelot: Uh man! I scored 135 I was so damn close. 

Nasiens: I scored 105 as I was mainly concerned in taking some important chips that was implanted in the robot for my experiments.  

Arata: I scored 125, Basquias sure is useful as I could command it from a far. 

Nasiens: That makes our scored that of 503 out of 535. 

A knock came at the door of there dorm as four envelop found itself on the ground, Tristan looked at it to see the UA Logo he got a tick mark. 

Tristan: Really, that guy was lazy to tell us that we just passed and instead send us a letter. 

Lancelot: Well who cares just bring em to the table. 

Tristan then threw the letter as Tristan being the Captain opened first as a device fell on the table before it showed a hologram with Nezu popping out of it. 

Nezu (Laugh): You bet you are asking yourself right now why is me Principal Nezu sending a letter well this is for my enjoyment and mainly thought you'd want to keep this as a trophy now back to the main topic I assume Tristan Liones, Lancelot, Arata Harlequin and Nasiens Belialuin is present. Obviously you don't need the letter since you destroyed the competition there were no equal to your strength to be honest nobody has passed the 10 points maybe those had managed to rescue people did get higher points than this but overall you people had made a good impression now for the scores. 

Nezu grabbed the Remote before he clicked at the red button which opened the TV showing there scored. 


Battle Portion: 

Name                                   Villain Point                 Rescue Point           

Tristan Liones                    138 Points                      32 Points                     

Lancelot                               135 Points                      31 Points                     

Arata Harlequin                125 Points                      35 Points                 

Nasiens Belialuin             105 Points                       0 Points                      


Nezu: What you see in front of you right now is the Top 4 gentlemen and also if you are wondering Tristan, Izumi Yagi had passed apparently All Might and Psychic told her about the rescue point so she scored 60 rescue points which she will be placed in 1A. 

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