Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

"Eeeeeeeh?!" The entire class shrieked in surprised.

"Since, when were you here?" Squawked one of the students.

"Where'd he come from?"

"What kind of quirk is that?"

"Wait a minute, we don't even have a Izuku Midoriya in this class. He's not even on the class list." Iida did his robotic hand motion. Suddenly, something came flying towards Izuku. Aizawa's scarf. Izuku didn't move out of the way, he sat on the desk. The scarf went straight through him. Izuku turned his head over to see Aizawa, eyes glowing red, his hair and scarf floating.

"You not enrolled into UA, I don't know who you are, but I'm going to ask you leave." Aizawa overheard the conversation, he knew most of the new students that were attending to UA and he knew there wasn't any Izuku Midoriya. So, how did he get in? Aizawa attempted to capture the problem child, but the weapon went straight through him. Aizawa also couldn't erase the kid's quirk either, a mutation quirk maybe.

"What are you gonna do about it? Capture me?" Izuku laughed.

"His quirk is called Ghost. Gives him all the qualities of a ghost. That type of quirk only activates when the person dies." Explained Bakugou, and the class gasped. They started to whisper among themselves.

"Wait, you're dead?!" Uraraka was the one to talk this time.

"No, I'm actually a rabbit...Yes, of course, I'm dead, isn't that what Kacchan just said!"

"Kacchan? Who's tha-" Kirishima was about to ask before interrupted by Bakugou.

"Me! Shitty Hair! None of you can call me that!"

"Did we all just forgot that there is a ghost in our class, and isn't even supposed to be here. Aren't we going to do something about that?" Mina questioned getting everyone's attention. They looked at Izuku and then at Aizawa, and then Izuku, and then Aizawa. Aizawa sighs and  picks up his sleeping bag.

"I didn't hear or see anything, I don't really care, he doesn't seem like a threat. Do whatever you want, just don't talk so loud, and don't wake me up again." Aizawa zips up the sleeping bag yet again and slumped onto the floor.

"I guess its ok, I mean the teacher doesn't really care." Ojiro mentioned. No one seem to listen when they focused their attention on Izuku, before Tsu asked a question.

"How can you pick up those items if you just phase through everything?"

"I can't actually pick up anything, it's kind of like telekinesis. But it isn't that strong." Izuku replied before he was bombarded by another question from a short purple kid.

"Since you have the qualities of a ghost, you can turn invisible and-" The grape boy was stopped before he could even finish the sentence. A small object was thrown at the Mineta's face. Thrown by who? By none other than Izuku Midoriya. Mineta fell to the floor.

"Don't even finish that sentence, pervert. I can do that, but I ain't that perverted like you. I won't invade someone else's privacy." Midoriya put his hand up slightly and put it on his chest like it was an oath.

"Says the person who barges in my room every 10 goddamn minutes!" Shouted Bakugou. Before Izuku could reply, the class bombarded him with questions and statements. Some of them were just 'Thank You' comments for hitting Mineta. Midoriya didn't like the noise, plus he wanted to explore more, so he turned invisible.

"Aw, where did he go? I wanted to ask him a question." Other classmates agreed, but they all went back to what they were originally doing.

----Meanwhile with Izuku--------------

Izuku was walking down the halls, completely invisible. He wasn't sure what to do? Or what he actually wanted to do? He continued down the halls, before he thought of the best idea.

He wandered down the halls, peeking through each classroom trying to find a certain teacher. There! The teacher just turned the corner. Izuku chased after the teacher, still invisible, he followed the teacher for a while until he thought it was the perfect time and spot.

He floated in front of the blond haired teacher. (A/N: I think you know where this is going)

Izuku reappeared his face, and yelled a mix between 'Boo!' and 'Ah!' Izuku scared the teacher shitless, it was quite apparent, because he screamed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Present Mic screamed. Mic's quirk was voice. So, his scream was so so much more louder than an 'average' person. The entire school probably heard, probably the entirety of Japan heard that. His scream was so loud some of the windows even cracked. Once, the screaming was over some teachers and students rushed over to see what had happened. Izuku floated around to see how much damage he did. Some of the closer classes were still covering their ears, as if that was going to make their ears recover faster. (A/N: Lol, everyone's ears are probably damaged. Sorry, not sorry.)

Izuku tried to muffle down his laughter until he was far enough.

'That was hilarious. Watching Mic's horrified face, watching the other classes trying to cover their ears, everything was great.' That was until he heard a yell.

"Deku! You better come out here right now! I swear to god!" Bakugou was running around looking for Izuku, little explosions in his hands. Reappeared down the other end of the hall of Bakugou. He came rushing over with bigger explosions.

"Deku! You idiot! What was that for!?" Bakugou attempted to blow up Izuku, totally forgetting he was a ghost, even though he spent a year with Izuku. The explosion didn't effect Izuku, Bakugou then attempted to punch Izuku.

"Pffft-Do you want to try that again, Kacchan?" Izuku snorted as he watched as Bakugou started to turn red from embarrassment or anger. Izuku didn't know which one, but it was hilarious watching Kacchan attack him, knowing full well he can't.


I have no idea what's going on. So I type it one word before copying and pasting it on Wattpad. On word it says I have 957 words, but on Wattpad it says I have 947 words. Who do I believe?

Lol, I just came up with the idea of scaring the President Mic. I would of done that for sure.

Spoiler: Someone's going to have explain and face consequences. But what are they going to do. Give him detention...*Laughs*

Anyways, Cya :)

I'll post tomorrow as well, I promise.

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