Forgive me

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Tw: Bullying and homophobia

At the party the friend group thought they were alone in the room just playing spin the bottle.

What they didn't know was that someone was recording the whole truth or dare.

The whole thing.

George walked through the halls wondering why people were giving him dirty looks.

He finally found out why when the group of Jocks from before came up to him and shoved him into the lockers.

"Awe look shortie is Gay now. And I thought he couldn't get more pitiful"

At that George wanted to run into the bathrooms and cry, he was about to before he was stopped by Clay.

"George are you ok?" Clay asked worried

"Leave me alone Clay." He snarled, about to cry before running off to the bathrooms.

George went into a stall and had a full on breakdown. He was basically bawling his eyes out but he stopped when he hear the door open.

George held his breath hoping it wasn't one of the jocks or Clay.

He relaxed a bit when he heard Ranboo's voice.

"George? I saw you run into the bathroom it looked like something was wrong do you wanna talk about it?" George opened the stall, his eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Hi Ranboo yeah I would like to talk." Ranboo was in the room at the time George and Clay kissed, but he forgot most of it and needed to be filled in.

While George was explaining Ranboo listened closely trying to figure out what advice he could give.

"When me and Clay kissed, it made me feel really happy but that faded because it was a dare and that kiss didn't mean anything to him but it ment everything to me."

Ranboo didn't really know what to do because he had never been in that situation before, but what he did do was comfort George

After George went to class Ranboo went to Clay to tell him what George said.

Hearing this Clay felt bad, really bad. At lunch he tried to catch up to George walking through the halls but George just ran faster leaving Clay in the middle of a crowded lunchroom.

George decided to cut through the lunchrooms and go to the Library so he could eat in peace. The librarian didn't mind that he at there as long as he cleaned up after.

At the end of the day George ran all the way home, ignoring his mom and locking himself in his room. He sat on the bed and let everything he had been holding in out.

When he finally calmed down he went over to his computer ignoring Dreams messages, Clays messages, and the Group Chat messages and went onto Minecraft.

After playing for a few hours he went to sleep hoping that the weekend might be better.


Clay's day wasn't much better then George's, in fact it was worse.

Clay woke up to go check Twitter and his heart stopped when he saw a video of him and George kissing.

Hey look at this, Clay is gay now
(Insert video)

"Oh no" he rushed to school to see if he could find George but the minute he stepped foot into school he was met by a crowd.

"Ew why would you date a boy" "You could do so much better" "Gay" "Disgusting" "Did you mean the kiss?" "I feel bad"

Clay pushed past the crowd and looked around for the brunet. He finally caught sight of him and ran up to George.

"George are you ok?"

George looked at Clay, his expression looked mad, sad, and regretful

"Leave me alone, Clay" George said with venom in his voice, shocking Clay.

Clay stood there for a few minutes rethinking his life choices when Ranboo came running up to Clay just before he was about to leave to his class.

"Clay, we need to talk."

(654 words)

Honestly I didn't know if I wanted to finish this chapter but I may have just lost one of my best friends today and I feel like a really bad person and I miss her already :(
Anyway make sure to eat and drink but also leave suggestions :)

Also I didn't feel like re-reading the chapter so sorry if there is mistakes or its confusing

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