The Hospital

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Tw: Bullying, blood, cussing 🌝
Mom dad again dont kill me for this i need to feed my readers 🙄

George was slammed across the lockers, his vision starting to get blurry as Techno continued to beat him up.

"Pathetic" "Disappointment" "Wimp" "Weak" "Useless" "Idiot"

These were the words George last heard before getting knocked out, blood streaming down his face.

George's vision started to get spotty, before he totally blacked out.

Beep Beep Beep

George was in the hospital, when Techno finished beating George, his friend group found him passed out, blood streaming down his face, against the lockers.

They took him to the hospital, he has been asleep for 3 days.

George opened his eyes, bright light piercing his vision.

George thought he was dead, until his vision cleared up.

"CALL THE DOCTER, IN HE IS AWAKE." Yelled a nurse standing over him.

George blinked in confusion as he heard voices fading in and out.

As he tried to get up he fell down in pain.


"Hey George can you hear me?" A faint voice asked, when he figured out it was the doctor all he could get out was a raspy, "yea."

George, being exhausted fell asleep again.


Clay was walking into school with Tommy, and Ranboo when he saw a crowd around someone on the floor, bleeding.

As he and his friends got closer he realized who was on the ground.

"George" Ranboo said, his voice a whisper and was trembling in fear.

Clay saw this and anger filled his thoughts.

"WHY THE FUCK IS NO ONE CALLING THE AMBULANCE" He screeched at the top of his lungs at the crowd.

The crowd seeing his rage backed away cautiously.

Clay ran up to George while Tommy was on the phone with the ambulance, half crying and half terrified.

"George! Can you hear me?" Clay cried, he was about to start sobbing but then the ambulance came and carried George away in a stretcher.

Clay insisted that he come to look after George, but he was ignored and was told that George's parents were informed that George was going to the hospital.

Clay was left standing there in shock, the only thing that came across his mind was

Techno did this

But Clay knew that he could do nothing, because Techno was the top bully and if he tried fighting him, Techno's friends would jump him.

Techno fought dirty.

All he could do was wait, wait for George to wake up.

————Clay is visiting George in the hospital


George's eyes shot open.


"Hi... I know you probably don't want to see me considering I got you in this mess... I just hope that we can be friends again." Clay said slowly, his eyes on George.

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