chapter 18 (Rowena)

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The next few days were spent in complete and total exploration of each other. Our minds, completely open to each other were constantly being investigated by the other, fleeting thoughts became discussions in which we discovered each other in a way that I had not thought possible.

Sometimes thoughts arose in our minds that the other probably didn't want to see. After a few of these Henry started teaching me how to shield my thoughts. It was far more difficult than I thought it would be. Henry told me it can take decades to master and suggested on concealing single thoughts at first before moving to hide my entire mind.

It wasn't only our minds we explored, and we spent a lot of time working out the pent up frustration we had. Especially Henry who had waited six years for me. We fucked everywhere, we hugged and touched, bit and sucked, showered and bathed, and ate and cooked.

We spent four days and nights like that wrapped up in one another before I started to think about real life again. Unsure how Henry would react I said to him, "I miss Charlie."

We were sitting in front of the fire, it was early evening and Henry was stroking my hair. "I know Little Fawn, you've been thinking about him the last two hours straight." He smiled at me, "Why don't you call him and tell Alex we will go see him tomorrow."

"You don't mind, you're not going to get all growly again? I can go on my own if you need me to." 

His eyes widened. "Oh no, Fawn. You won't be going anywhere without me." 

"Why not?" I asked a little pissed off. Well, a lot pissed off actually. We were mates but that didn't mean we were tied to the hip, did it? In some ways it did. I still felt drawn to him, just not in that all-encompassing, think of nothing else way the Pull had. It was more like when it had been dulled by the silver. But did that mean we would never get time alone ever?

"Calm down, Fawn," Henry said, no doubt reading my thoughts. "It's not forever. Right now, it's not safe for you to be alone. Until you have been presented to the court and maybe even after that, you are a target for my father. Things will move quickly now Rowena, we must stay together."

Not sure if I was completely satisfied by his response I said, "I'm sure Lawrence and David or Alex can keep me safe."

Henry conceded, "Yes they could, and although I'm not sure I completely trust Alex I believe he would keep you safe. But Fawn, you forget one thing."

"What's that?"

"You are both my greatest strength and greatest weakness. If I'm not with you I lose my strength and my mind becomes weak with worry." Henry said sincerely.

"That's really corny, Henry," I said, but his words warmed me.

Henry lifted my chin with his finger and guided my lips to his. "Maybe it is, Little Fawn, but every word is true." He laid a kiss on me then said. "Go on, give Alex and Charlie a call."

I called Alex. "Hi," I said.

"Hi Row, you sound a little less love drunk," Alex said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Enough that I can talk to Charlie do you think?"

"Yeah, you sound ok," Alex said. "Your voice is different but that's to be expected."

"How much did you tell him? Did you let him know I'm going to be a little different?" I asked, I wasn't sure if I wanted Alex to tell him or I should. Perhaps Alice should, he trusts her.

Alex paused, "Yeah I did. I didn't want him unprepared and Mother agreed. I showed him what we are too."

"How did he take it?" I asked hesitantly.

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