Chapter 29

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"I think I want to see my mother soon," Frank says on Thursday morning. Neither he or Gerard are up and getting ready for school yet. They're just laying down still because Gerard accidentally set his alarm to half an hour early.

"No," Gerard says, immediately shutting down Frank's idea. Frank frowns.

"You can't tell me that," Frank says.

"You can't go back to her," Gerard says.

"I wouldn't be going back to her. I just want to visit. It'd be nice to go get some of my things, too."

"Tell me what you want, and I'll go get it for you. You don't have to go back there."

"I still want to see her," Frank says. Gerard sits up and looks down at Frank.

"I don't want you to see her," Gerard argues.

"I know you don't. You've made that pretty clear. That won't stop me, though. You could come with if that makes you feel better. I'd prefer to have you there, anyway," Frank suggests, also sitting up now.

"No. You're not going. She hurt you so bad. You're not going back there."

"Yeah? Well different two people hurt me worse than she ever did, so the idea of meeting her again really doesn't seem so bad now that I've gone through fucking everything," Frank bitterly replies. He gets off the bed and heads to the closet, starting to go through their clothes to find something to wear today.

"That doesn't excuse what she did," Gerard responds. Frank turns around and frowns at Gerard.

"Yeah, smartass. I'm aware that it doesn't, but she's never forced me to fuck her and left me on the side of the road while I was bleeding all alone," Frank says coldly, "So what she did? It's really not that fucking bad."

"Frank, she beat the shit out of you for two years. The first day of school, you showed up with a split lip, and not much longer after that, I called you and you couldn't even answer with words. She hurt you. She left you alone when you were bleeding, too," Gerard says. Frank takes off his shirt and throws on a new one.

"I don't care! I want to see her. I want to at least try and make sense of what happened," Frank says.

"And what if she tries to hurt you again? I've known you long enough to know that you're not gonna just bounce back from it," Gerard tells him. He gets off the bed now and goes over to the closet now, too.

"Come with me then. I already said that you can go," Frank replies, while pulling on a pair of pants.

"Why? So I can stop her from trying to hit you?"

"You don't know if she'll do that."

"Say she does, though. You know what'll happen? It'll set you back again, and I'll get to deal with the aftermath."

"I didn't want to have any of that shit happen. Don't blame it on me," Frank says, getting upset.

"I'm not blaming anything on you. I know shit's not your fault, but I don't get why you can't just let her be a thing of that past. I don't want to have to go through anymore bad shit with you again," Gerard says.

"You didn't have to nurse me back to fucking health every time something happened," Frank mutters.

"What do you expect me to do? Would you have preferred I did nothing? You would have died a few times over if I didn't give a fuck," Gerard expresses. Frank takes a deep breath and holds it for a moment and then releases it.

"No. I'm grateful that you were there for me. I know I wouldn't have made it without you, but you can't control what I do now, just because I lived," Frank says. Gerard rolls his eyes and starts making his way out of the room, feeling like he's not going to be able to get through to Frank.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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