Chapter 13

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As soon as Frank got home, he could tell that something was wrong. The house was a mess, and there was broken glass all over the place. It looks as if someone had broken in, and his mom isn't supposed to be home yet. Frank looks around before walking inside and closing the door behind him. He's starting to regret not having checked in since he's been at Gerard's house, because this doesn't look recent. It looks days old. There's an uncomfortable silence surrounding the walls. He cautiously starts making his way to the kitchen, looking around, and he grabs a knife.

The next stop is the living room. He walks in, gripping the knife, his heart racing. The tv is on, but there's no real show playing, only the blank screen with the label bumping into the corners. It's eerily quiet, he can hear his heartbeat thumping rapidly against his chest.

"Mom?" He whisper-calls. He's met only with silence, and he's starting to get more nervous. There's a chance his mom could be here, but she said it wouldn't be until later in the day. She is supposed to get home late, that's what she told Frank. He looks for her in her bedroom next, which he finds empty, but the window is open. It's cold in her room, and Frank quickly crosses the room to close it. He readjusts the knife in his hand.

He anxiously looks in both of the bathrooms and finds nothing but mess, and he goes back to the kitchen. His mom isn't in there, and neither is an intruder. The only place he hasn't checked yet is his bedroom, which scares him the most. If there really is someone is in this house, they're going to be in his room. Frank takes off his backpack and sets it down on the counter and takes a breath to calm himself, then he starts heading to his bedroom.

He creeps quietly down the hall, gripping the knife in his hands until his knuckles turn white. When he reaches his door he slowly turns the handle to open it, trying to be quiet. He quickly then swings the door wide open. What he sees in his room isn't what he expected, and he stops in his tracks. That's where he finds his mom, standing facing the wall and staring at the drawings that Gerard made for him. She looks so uncannily calm, like nothing here happened, and the house is in perfect condition. Like she's clueless on the destruction just outside the door. Frank watches her turn her gaze to a note that Gerard gave him while in school a few weeks ago, sitting on his desk that says that says he loves Frank.

That's all that the note says.

i love you frankie

Well shit.

He never told his mother he was gay, but she doesn't even look bothered by the note. Instead, she smooths out her shirt and turns around, smiling in a weird way that Frank has never seen her do. It's not that she doesn't smile ever, because she does sometimes, but this is different. It's not normal.

"Mom? What happened to the house? Are you okay?" Frank stutters, still anxious and unaware of what's happened. She takes a single step toward him whilst wearing that creepy smile. He sets the knife down on his dresser, seeming how there's no human threat he thought there'd be.

"No, Frankie, I am not okay. Where the hell were you? At a boys house?" His mom asks, aggressively calm, quoting what was written on the note.

"You were out of the house, so I went and stayed with a friend. I would have asked had I known you were home. Do you know happened here? Did someone break in?" Frank redirects, trying to figure out why the house is torn apart. His mom smiles and shakes her head.

"No, silly. I just felt like we needed a little change. I've been here alone for a whole two days, you know. All lonely and nothing to do. I was waiting for you do come home. I was worried about you. It's been two entire days, Frank," She says sadly, "I don't like you disappearing without telling me."

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