Chapter 15

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The radio in Gerard's car is turned off so he can listen to Frank in case he's able to say anything. On the way home, Gerard decides to call his dad, because he remembers that his father went to college to become a doctor, even though he ended up choosing a different career path halfway through the course. Maybe his dad can help, because as far as Gerard knows, nothing is broken, and he's not going to force Frank into a hospital if he doesn't need to go, because hospitals scare the shit out of him.

He dials his fathers number, and after only a couple rings, he answers.

"Hello?" His dad answers, sounding as anyone would when answering their sons phone call.

"Dad, it's Gerard. Are you coming home soon?" He asks.

"No, I didn't plan on going home until around ten or so. Why?" He questions. Gerard starts tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, and he turns his head for a second to look at Frank. He trains his eyes back on the road.

"Do you remember anything from those doctor classes you took?" Gerard asks.

"Maybe? I don't know. It's been a while. Why? Did you hurt yourself?" His dad asks, his demeanor changing, sounding a little concerned.

"No, I'm alright. I promise I am. Frank isn't though. He got beat up pretty bad," Gerard responds nervously.

"Where is he? Do you know what's wrong?" He urgently asks. Gerard turns his head to look at him again. Still asleep.

"He's sleeping in the passenger of my car. I'm driving him to our house. He's hurt," Gerard anxiously clarifies. He taps the steering wheel a few times.

"Why aren't you taking him to the hospital if he's hurt?" His dad questions.

"I don't think he's broken anything. All I think they would do is just try to clean everything, and we can do that at home I think. He's scared of hospitals, I don't want to put him through that if they can't do anything," Gerard quickly explains.

"I understand. Gerard, I want you to keep driving home. Try and get him in the shower if you can so nothing gets infected. I'm at work, but I'll try and get out early. I can send Mikey home if you need help," He offers. Gerard frowns and sighs. Mikey is all the way over at Ray's place for the weekend, and he wouldn't be much help even if he was home.

"No, don't bother sending him home. I can wait, I'm just anxious. I don't know what to do," Gerard breaths.

"You do know. I just told you. Take Frank home and try to clean him up. If you find anything seriously wrong, don't call me first, you'll need to bring him to the ER. It's going to be okay, son. I'll help you out when I get home. Do you understand?" He asks.

"Yes. Please try and hurry, Dad. I'm gonna let you go now" Gerard says, and he hangs up before his dad can say anything back, because that would be out of character if he was to ever listen to the other persons goodbye. He turns his head to look at Frank again, taking a breath to try and calm himself. Frank's still asleep.

After a few more minutes, Gerard finally arrives at his house, and he walks over to the passenger door and starts to lift Frank out and into his arms. Frank surprisingly stays asleep for the whole time. That, or he's pretending to be asleep like a little child who's getting home late at night, acting like they're sleeping so their parents carry them inside. Either way, Gerard would have carried him in still, even if he was awake. Gerard brings him into the bathroom, and he gently sets him in the tub.

Frank is awake now, but he isn't protesting anything that Gerard's doing for him. He looks really tired and dazed and confused. Gerard stands up and goes to the linen closet outside the bathroom to go get a towel, and he then goes back inside the bathroom, closing the door behind himself. He kneels on the floor by Frank and unhooks the shower head so it's closer to the floor of the tub, so nothing sprays onto Frank when he turns on the water. While he waits for the shower to warm up a little, he helps Frank out of his torn shirt. He also helps Frank out of his pants, and then Frank's sitting in the bathtub in only his boxers. Gerard feels sick to his stomach, Frank looks so weak.

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