Chapter 4

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Frank meets Gerard at his car at the end of the school day, his brother already with him. Gerard unlocks the doors and they all get in, Mikey sits up front with his brother and Frank sits in the back. Last year, it used to be just Frank and Gerard, and Mikey would ride the bus because the middle school was further away, and Gerard didn't feel like picking him up. Now though, because Mikey goes to school with them, he gets a ride, so he sits in the front.

Frank doesn't question Gerard when he drives past Frank's road, he knows that Gerard is taking him to his house even though he didn't ask first. Frank would have said something about this if it had been a regular day, but he doesn't really want to see his mom after what she did this morning so he stays quiet and just enjoys the ride.

Mikey turns on the radio after a few minutes of no one talking. He goes with the oldies station, and "Hotel California" starts playing through the speakers. Mikey's always been weird with music, old people stuff—especially British old people stuff—is just his thing, but they all deal with it.

They get to their house before the song even ends, which isn't surprising because they live closer to the school, and the song is a little long, so that's another factor.

"Mikey, take these to dad please," Gerard says. He hands his brother their personal information forms that need to be updated every year. Mikey takes the papers from him and he goes inside, leaving just Frank and Gerard in the car.

"You wanna stay here or go out?" Gerard asks, looking into the back seat where Frank is.

"Here is fine," Frank says.

"You sure? We could go out to the bridge again if you'd like?" Gerard suggests. Frank shrugs. He really just wants rest.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Maybe later," Frank says, so they both grab their bags and get out of Gerard's car and they head inside. They stop in the kitchen first and Gerard gives Frank a chocolate bar knowing he's probably hungry, and then they go to his bedroom. Gerard's room is messy, but not so bad that there's no space on the floor. It's more like organized clutter, with band posters on the walls and guitars and a keyboard on the floor, along with music sheets. He knows where everything is, and if he were to put his stuff away, everything would get lost, and he'd have to trash his room again to find just one thing.

One of the guitars he keeps belongs to Frank, but he has it stay here because it's just more convenient. Frank's got instruments everywhere. Frank sits on Gerard's bed and starts snacking on the chocolate, while Gerard goes over to his guitar and sits on the ground and starts playing it. He plays "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day. He sings it beautifully, and Frank listens intently to every word.

When Gerard finishes the song, he gets up and sits by Frank, who is still watching him intently, enjoying the chocolate that he gave him. He looks at Frank's swollen lip for a moment, and then gets up and leaves the room. He's back a minute later with an ice pack.

"You don't have to do that," Frank says, protesting the help that his best friend is trying to offer. He rolls his eyes and touches the side of his head to hold Frank in place, and then he gently presses the ice to his lip.

"Shut up and let me take care of you," Gerard mutters, holding the ice there until a minute later when Frank lifts his hand up to cover Gerard's to hold the ice there himself.

"Was it your mom?" Gerard asks quietly, not sure if he's allowed to go that far yet. Frank doesn't say anything, but the silence speaks for itself. Frank considers responding, but he can't think of any good lie before his friends speaks up. Gerard knows. His silence speaks for him.

"Why?" Gerard asks. Frank sighs and takes the ice away from his mouth, his arm growing tired. Gerard takes the ice pack and touches it back to Frank's lip, holding it there for him.

"Doesn't matter. I deserved it anyway," Frank confesses.

"I didn't ask that, I asked why it happened," Gerard prompts. Frank shrugs before responding.

"I don't know. I slept in. She was mad. I told you, Gee, it's my own fault that it even happened. Stop worrying about it, okay? I'm fine. It was just a one time thing, I swear," Frank insists. Gerard looks at him skeptically, not really believing him, but he doesn't push any further.

"Spend the night? Dads cooking pasta for dinner," Gerard suggests, deciding to change the subject to make Frank more comfortable. Frank reaches for the ice again, holding it there and replacing Gerard's touch.

"I don't know if I can. Besides, I don't have a change of clothes. I can't just wear the same thing to school tomorrow," Frank says, trying to convince Gerard that he can't even though he does want to. Gerard smiles and shakes his head.

"Frank, I'll let you wear my shit. I've got stuff that will fit you," Gerard assures, "Ask you asshole mom if you can stay."

"Fine, I'll ask," Frank says after a moment, giving up on trying to talk Gerard out of it. He tries to hide the corners of his mouth twitching up upon hearing the insult directed to his mother. He picks up his phone and dials his mothers number, silently sending a prayer up that she won't say anything that will confirm to Gerard about the stuff he has to deal with at home. After a couple rings, his mother answers the call.

"What the hell do you want?" She asks, sounding very annoyed, like Frank interrupted something. Frank tries not to wince at her tone. He's got anxiety just thinking she might say one wrong thing and fuck everything up that Frank has tried to hide from his friend.

"Can I stay with Gerard tonight?" Frank hesitantly asks her. He can almost picture her in his mind rolling her eyes at him like that was the dumbest thing he's ever asked.

"I don't care," She says simply, and she hangs up before he can say anything else. Frank looks to Gerard and shrugs.

"You wanna share the bed or do you want the couch?" Gerard asks.

"We've been sharing forever. Did the fact that I'm almost an adult change something?" Frank asks sarcastically, but his question remains genuine. Gerard shrugs.

"It's just been a while since you've stayed over. I don't know your comfort level like I used to," He says, "I just want you to be comfortable, your age has never bothered me. You've been a year and a half younger than me the entire time I've known you anyway," He replies. Frank rolls his eyes and smiles at him. He then gets up and goes over to his guitar and motions for Gerard to join him, and they start to play music until dinner, and then after dinner, they go back to Gerard's bedroom.

It's starting to get late, so they begin to get ready for bed. After changing into a pair of one of Gerard's one million basketball shorts that he owns and a t-shirt, frank lays down on the left side of the bed, which is the side closest to the wall.

Gerard stays up later to continue writing music and playing old songs, and Frank ends up falling asleep listening to Gerard softly sing the words to "love of my life" by Queen.

Frank doesn't know what time Gerard decided to join him in sleep, but he remembers waking up for a second to the feeling of his best friends lips lightly touching his temple, and he remembers hearing the words "It's gonna be okay" whispered in his ear. After that, he drifted off, and in the morning, he's going to wonder if that sweet moment really happened, or if it was just a dream he wishes could turn into reality.

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