Chapter 22

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"Boyfriend?" Daniel asks Ian. Ian shrugs. Neither of them knew that's who Gerard was to Frank.

"You need to not call again," Daniel seethes, hanging up the call and smashing the phone in the floor, causing Frank to flinch. Ian picks up the phone to see the damage.

"The motherfucker's broken," Ian says, trying to turn it on. Nothing happens.

"Good. His fuckbuddy won't call back then," Daniel says, smirking.

"What are we gonna do to him? If we keep pumping him with drugs, he'll die," Ian says.

"I'm not a total fucking idiot. I know that. That's why we're not giving him any more," Daniel says.

"Not even what's still on the table? That won't hurt," Ian says.

"I want him to be sober for this," Daniel replies.

"What are you thinking? We took him to get rid of your shit," Ian says. Daniel nods.

"I'm aware. But this faggot has a boyfriend. We should ruin that, if he wants to ruin my chances of ever going back to school," Danial says, turning to Frank. He takes a step towards him, causing Frank to back into the corner of the room. 

"How are we ruining it?" Ian asks, starting to sound like he's on board with this. Daniel doesn't answer Ian.

"How often do you and your boyfriend fuck?" Daniel asks. Frank stays silent, and that causes Daniel's smile to grow wider. Daniel turns back to Ian.

"Our little buddy is a virgin," Daniel says, walking over to Frank and crouching down in front of him. Frank struggles against the rope holding him down.

"We've already got him tied up. Might as well have some fun with him," Daniel says to Ian. Ian walks over to them while Daniel trails a finger down Frank's chest. Frank doesn't say a word. He knows whatever he says, it'll only encourage them.

"When are we gonna let him go?" Ian asks.

"We'll let him go when he comes. That way, the first person he ever came with won't be his boyfriend, it'll be us instead. That'll be a constant thought in the back of his boyfriends head every time they're together," Daniel says touching Frank under his shirt.

"He'll be so disgusted with you. He won't like you when we're done with you. He'll call you a whore. You'll be just some dirty fag to him when this is all done," Daniel says. Ian starts unbuttoning Frank's jeans, sliding them down his legs. Frank doesn't say a word, he only stares at the ceiling.

"You'll be so damaged, he'll try to be with you still, but he won't see you like he used to. He'll look at you and see someone who will never be the same before you got hurt. He'll break up with you eventually, realizing he can't take trying to fix someone who's so incredibly broken," Daniel says as Ian finishes taking Frank's pants off.

"You can leave when we're done, but we're never going to leave you. Late at night, when you and him and snuggling together, he's going to touch you in a way that reminds you of us," Daniel says. Ian sniffs Frank's hair and licks Frank's earlobe. Frank jerks his head away, causing both of them to laugh.

"Nothing you do will ever get rid of us," Ian whispers, sliding his hand under the collar of Frank's shirt, touching his chest.

"Please stop," Frank whispers. Daniel bursts out laughing, as does Ian. Ian removes his hand from Frank's chest, slapping him hard.

"We'll stop when you come. Then you'll go home, and that boy you're with will see you just as we do. A worthless faggot, damaged goods. Broken," Daniel says, reaching for Frank's underwear, pulling them down, grinning as he does so.

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