To Brighton we go!

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Two days later, friday was here. I was woken up by a pillow in my face, almost choking me to death. 

"Tommy, what in bloody hell are you doing?"

I yelled, my voice being muffled by the pillow.

When my brother realised I was awake, he took off the pillow.

"You have to get up y/n, the convention is tomorrow so we have to drive to the hotel today."

I grunted at him and, very unwillingly, got up. We had packed our bags the day before, leaving almost no more preparations to be made before leaving for Brighton.

Tommy quickly jumped in the passenger's seat, which meant I had to put all our bags in the trunk. When I was done, I went to the front of the car and sat down in the driver's seat.

"Can I pick what music we're gonna listen to?"

"No Tommy, as the driver I get to pick the music."

"Aw man, I bet your music taste sucks."

"Don't be like that."

I laughed at the face he made at those words and went to put on one of my playlists on shuffle.

Immediately one of Wilbur's songs started playing.

"Well it's 2:45 PM.." echoed throughout the car.

Tommy looked at me with a big grin on his face and then started singing along to the lyrics. I knew he'd sometimes sing on stream, but whenever he did he would sing badly on purpose. For what reason, I didn't know.

What most of his viewers didn't know was that my brother actually was a good singer, being able to sing along and make harmonies with almost any song on the radio.

When the chorus came on, we both started singing along. After the song was over, we glanced at each other. Both of us immediately cracked up in laughter.

After "I'm In Love With An E-Girl", "Burning Pile" was next. This time, we both were singing as well. This went on for quite a long time, until finally Tommy spotted the silhouette of Brighton at the horizon.

We had been driving for a few hours and we were finally there. We were going to stay at a hotel for the first night, and for the rest of the weekend we would be staying at Wilbur's house as he had invited the whole crew to stay there.

We checked into the hotel. Both me and Tommy being absolutely exhausted from the journey, we decided to go get some coffee.

Tommy texted his group chat and after a few minutes of planning it was decided we were going to meet up with Wilbur, Tubbo, George, Philza, and Philza's wife.

I had no clue who half of these people were, but I was obviously familiar with Wilbur. I also knew Tubbo, as he had been over to our house a couple of times.

Me and Tommy changed from our comfortable travel clothes, and put on something we could be seen in public in.

I exited my small hotel room to see
if Tommy was done and there he was, waiting for me.

"I like your outfit, y/n!"

"I hate your guts, little brother."

We glared at each other in silence for a few seconds, before bursting into laughter.

"C'mon, let's go. The others are already at the cafe."

Tommy grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived at a cute café. When we walked through the door, a kind of short, brunette boy walked towards us with open arms.


"Hello Tubbo."

The two boys smiled at each other before falling into a big hug.

I looked towards where Tubbo had come from and saw some people around a big, round table. Amongst them, I saw a familiar face.


Wilbur Soot had turned towards us, smiling when he spotted me.

"Hi there, tall man."

I blurted it out, and most of the table started laughing. I immediately went red, feeling like I had said something stupid. After awkwardly greeting all of Tommy's friends, all of us sat down at the table.

"So how was the car ride?"

Phil was the first to speak.

"It was pretty tiring, but we're doing alright."

After that, their conversation went on smoothly and soon, it started to get a bit dark.

"We should head back to the hotel.."

I smiled at them, not wanting to admit I was so tired I felt like I could pass out.

Tommy could see I was exhausted, and quickly agreed.

"Yeah, we'll see you people tomorrow for the convention."

After a short walk, we were back at the hotel. I almost immediately fell asleep with my clothes and makeup on, but managed to stay awake to change into pj's.

My first real interaction with Tommy's friends had gone well, although I hadn't said much. After brushing my teeth, I fell asleep in my small room. I could hear Tommy's faint snoring from the room beside me.

836 words

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