She needs a moment

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Wilbur gently held me down as I tried to get up once again. His eyes were full of pity and it made me feel sick in my stomach.

"Can I.. Can you give me a moment?"

I said as calmly as I could, trying to keep down the rising uneasiness inside of me. I feared it would boil over to anger and I would lash out at Tommy and Will although they hadn't done anything wrong.

Nothing was their fault, there was just a lot to process and having lived with me for all of his life, Tommy knew the way I preferred to process things.

"Will, come on. She needs a moment."

Wilbur looked at him and then back at me but didn't make an effort to get up.

"You shouldn't be alone right now."



"No, I don't think-"


Furious and upset, I glared at him with a gaze that could kill anyone weak-of-heart, but most of all I didn't want either of them here when the tears I felt pooling in my eyes were about to fall like rain in a thunderstorm.

Wilbur nodded understandingly and got up, placing his hand on Tommy's shoulder and following him out of the hospital room.

I sat there in silence for a moment, listening to see if they were truly gone as the tears kept threatening to escape. I tried one last time to move my legs; nothing.

That was it. That was the trigger I needed to let go of my sanity and do what I always did when upset. I took a deep breath, and let out an ear piercing and heart breaking shriek. I cried and bawled and shouted until my eyes were dry and my lungs were aching.

Little did I know, Wilbur was still outside the room, sitting on the floor with his back against the door and he although my cries were actively breaking his heart he just sat there in silence until I was done.

About an hour later after getting ready to leave Wilbur picked me up and sat me down gently into the wheelchair. I was quiet as a mouse, not saying anything and just staring at the floor in front of me. I hated this, this situation and everything about it.

I was never a girl who liked to rely on others. I preferred being of help to them instead of being useless and just sitting around, so being paralysed and forced to be wheeled around by someone else was one of the worst things that could have happened.

I was already aware that my mental health was going to drastically drop, and there was nothing I could do to change that fate. Not now, anymore.

As he wheeled me through the endless lengths of hospital corridors the three of us were dead silent, even though there was lots of activity all around us.

After travelling for what seemed like an eternity we reached the lobby doors and as we got close they slid open.

Sunlight. All the sunlight. After being in a coma and then staying in a room without windows, I was suddenly so aware of the sunlight.

Apparently so were the boys, as they both raised their hands to cover their eyes.

Now, one might ask. Why would the entrance to a hospital be at a slope? Honestly, that's pretty stupid, right?

As both of Wilbur's hands had left the wheelchair, it no longer had anything to keep it from rolling down said slope.


I could hear Tommy's voice behind me as I picked up speed.


I sighed as the slight wind flew in my face and I pressed down my palms onto the two wheels beside me. The friction burned my hands but the chair stopped moving and I painfully spun it around to look at the two grown men sprinting at full speed towards me.

The sight made me let out a laugh, even though my voice was hoarse from the previous crying. Wilbur and Tommy stopped in their tracks, looking confusedly at each other than back at me.

Then they joined. The three of us almost folded with laughter as I caresses the light burns on my hands before grabbing the wheels and starting to move the chair.

As we walked, or more accurately rolled, back towards the hotel we chatted about everything and nothing as usual and all I felt was relief.

My biggest fear was that people would start treating me like a child, or an idiot. I was still the same person, I didn't want to be treated like an out-stander simply because my legs didn't function as they should.

For the first time in three days, I felt happy.

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