Half a heart

471 13 4

TW: Car accident. Descriptions of pain and slight mention of blood.

We were all finished up and decided to go back to the convention. Tommy in the lead, Philza in the back and the rest of us were walking somewhere between them.

Wilbur was walking by Tommy's side, laughing and chatting about Minecraft things I didn't understand.

Even though I was barely interested I wanted to spend time with the both of them so I picked up the pace.

"..and can you believe this? A fucking potato?! I was supposed to die in a glorious battle!.."

"What's up, you guys?"

"Oh hi y/n, you know who Dream is, right?"

Wilbur smiled at me and I felt warm inside for some reason. I did in fact NOT know who Dream was so I looked at Tommy for hints. Unfortunately he gave me nothing to work with.

"Uh.. no, actually I don't watch a lot of youtube..?"

Tommy grinned at my words, knowing that was a lie. Wilbur continued:

"Oh well in the lore, Dream and Tommy are in prison together and Dream recently took away Tommy's last canon life with a potato."

"Did he poison Tommy?"

"Nope.. guess again."

Tommy shrugged his shoulders and looked a little bitter.

"OH MY GOD- Did he hit you with a potato so hard you died?!"


I giggled and elbowed his stomach playfully, meanwhile Wilbur was just smiling at the both of us. I was walking too slow and falling behind the long-legged men so I ran up in front of Tommy and started walking backwards to continue the conversation.

Not paying attention to my surroundings, I was walking over a zebra crossing when I heard a loud honk and a red light glowed in my peripheral vision.

I could hear Tommy yelling but I couldn't hear what he was saying and a moment later, a massive force impacted on my body.

Gravity was out of the question, as I felt myself pass through the air. It was almost calming, and I felt lighter than air before I hit the ground.

And i hit the ground hard. Millions of needles worth of pain stung throughout my body and I didn't know what part of the pain to focus on.

My head was spinning and my vision was blurring and I could hear millions of incomprehensible sounds all at once.

My hand went to my chest, and was immediately coated in thick, red blood.

A blurry figure resembling my brother kneeled next to me, and right before everything went dark I could feel tears fall on my cheek.

They were not mine.

Short but important chapter. Enjoy <3

446 words

(FUCK WILBUR) Restored | Wilbur X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now